A few years ago I told you about my grandfather’s api (notebook) full of alagaupu that I wanted to study and really understand. I was going to look at twelve of those proverbs, consult with the Samoan cultural experts in my life then share with you what I had learned.
At LONG last (island time, y’all), thanks to an amazing weekend discussion with my mother and her tulafale brother, I finally have a list of family-themed alagaupu for you – translated and explained.
And they are beautiful.
But before we delve in, let’s make sure everybody understands the importance and value of Samoa’s alagaupu.
What is this alagaupu thing?
Alagaupu is the Samoan word for proverbs – wise sayings or expressions about life. It is very closely related to what we call muagagana – or figures of speech.
Every culture has its own collection of proverbs or maxims. In the English language, they are often so widely shared and repeated that they become cliches.
For Samoans, however, alagaupu belong to the more ornate and poetic version of our language, our ‘higher’ language that is used by matai and ministers.
Alagaupu can add great power and eloquence to our lauga (ritual speeches), and because the prestige and social ranking of our talking chiefs depend largely on their oratorical skills, we tend to keep our knowledge of alagupu to ourselves.
Stashed away.
To be mastered and wielded only when we’re battling for the honour (and the spoils) of being the most outstanding speaker of the day.
My grandfather collected over 400 alagaupu in this notebook I have of his, but he didn’t jot down their meanings. Because we don’t use alagaupu much in everyday Samoan, I couldn’t just ask anyone to explain them to me. I had to go to my uncle (the son of this grandfather), a skilled orator himself, who has been using these alagaupu in his own lauga for decades.
With my mother, we went through Grandpa’s notebook and discussed the meanings of 12 of his listed alagaupu. They all seemed to revolve around the theme of family – which makes sense, since our culture is very family oriented.
Here’s what we came up with.
1. Uo i aso uma ae uso i aso vale
Literally: Friends every day but siblings on bad days
Some people think this means that our friends can become like our family when times get hard (that’s what I thought it meant based on the lyrics in this beautiful song), and I guess it could be read like that, too.
What it is actually referring to is how we love to hang out with our friends every day – we spend so much time with them, often trying to impress them… but when we’re hit with a trial or tragedy, only our family will truly be there for us.
Only your family can.
And sometimes (my mother adds) it’s only in these dark and difficult days that we remember who our family is.
2. A logo tai ua logo uta
Literally: When it is felt toward the sea, it is felt toward the land.
It’s kind of like if you stub your big toe, your brain will feel it lol.
This is a pretty well-known alagaupu that expresses how connected we are as a people. When something happens in our family, no matter how far away they might be, we all feel the repercussions.
…which is especially true when that ‘something that happens’ requires a monetary donation. *ahem*
3. E leai se mea e sili atu i lo lou aiga
Literally: Nothing is more important than your family.
This is a very straightforward, self-explanatory expression. 🙂
4. E le fa’atofaina le po masina
Literally: We don’t farewell a moon-lit night.
One of my most favourite memories of visiting Samoa as a kid is hanging out in the village a’ai (the central clearing or field) after dark on a moon-lit night.
It’s like, everybody comes out! Especially when the moon is so bright it could be daytime. And we’d just just sit together, laughing, playing music or sports… and sometimes, inevitably, couples would pair off into the shadows to get to know each other even better.
Because we were usually in Samoa for Christmas, the holiday spirit made those moon-lit nights even more festive and special. I remember wishing we could stay out there with everyone forever.
This alagaupu refers to that feeling of not wanting a moment to end.
5. Ua le tunoa faiva o Sāmea
Literally: The work (fishing trip) of Sāmea is not haphazard.
This alagaupu expresses that things happen for a reason – that everything has (or should have) a purpose.
Who is Sāmea? I don’t know.
We were thinking it might be the name of some historical Samoan person, but this textbook suggests Sāmea is a group of people – perhaps a village?
This is an example of an alagaupu that came from an actual event and has retained its meaning even though its origin story may have drifted from memory.
We have a few more like that in this list.
6. Ua sau Salū ua uma mea a Foa
Literally: Salū has arrived, Foa’s things are finished.
So basically, Salū is late to the party.
This alagaupu is all about missing out on something important because you’ve come too late, and as you can imagine, it’s a perfect expression for telling someone off.
The only thing we know about the origin of this alagaupu is that it comes from a story in someone’s village lol.
(If anyone can tell us more about #6, please leave a comment below.)
7. Solo i tua ni ao taulia
Literally: Clouds (that are spent) are retreating.
I had to ask a lot of questions to try and understand the literal meaning of this one, because the word ‘taulia’ to me means something that has been accepted or approved, so I couldn’t understand why ao (clouds) would be described as taulia…? lol.. It might make more sense to you.
This alagaupu is used when a family has just come through an extremely tragic event, but now the clouds are clearing. My uncle says that ao taulia, in this case, is referring to a dark time that is also momentous – so it’s not just about sadness, but a profound kind of ground-shifting pain.
As in, your family is never going to be the same again after this.
But this devastation is also cleansing. When these clouds pass, they will leave behind le lagi mamā (pristine skies) ma soifua maua (a sense of healing and well-being).
8. O le malaga e nofo ae olo
Literally: The travelers sit but coo.
This literal translation is so awkward… haha. Gotta love how different some languages are.
Malaga = a group of visitors or travelers. Nofo = to sit. Olo = the noise that pigeons make (coo).
So this alagaupu is referring to how we might be sitting here enjoying the conversation, but at the back of our minds, we know we need to be somewhere else.
This expression is used a lot when a matai wants to excuse himself (and whoever he came with) from a gathering. It’s like saying… we wish we could stay longer, but alas…
9. Savea tuvaelua le aso
Literally: Savea has a leg on either side of the day.
Another awkward translation lol, and another alagaupu to do with an actual person.
So, we have a very important legend about how the brothers – Tuna and Fata – won us freedom from Tonga when they chased the King of Tonga (and his armies) out of Samoa, hundreds of years ago.
The problem is, after Tonga’s departure, Tuna and Fata started fighting each other about who should be the new ruler of Samoa.
Savea was their older brother, who loved them both and did his best to mediate between them.
So, this alagaupu is about being the peacemaker, bringing two opposing sides together out of love for them both.
10. E le sua se lolo i se popo e tasi
Literally: You can’t get a flow of coconut fat from one coconut.
Coconut oil is made from copra, which we get from drying coconut meat (in their shells) out in the sun. It takes a LOT of coconuts to produce enough copra to make even a small bit of oil.
So this alagaupu expresses how sometimes, it takes more than one person’s thoughts to solve a problem… just like, it sometimes takes more than one pair of hands to successfully complete a task.
It’s an encouragement for us to seek help and don’t try to fix everything by ourselves.
11. O se va’ai lava e malie ai le loto
Literally: Only to look (at you) can satisfy my soul.
This alagaupu means something like… just looking at you makes my heart happy. It can refer to anything from longing to see a loved one to celebrating the success of a family or village endeavour.
…as in, what a beautiful chapel we have built. Just gazing upon it bring joys to my soul.
That kind of thing.
12. Va’ai se mea a Sameli
Literally: Look out for something for Sameli.
Confession – this one is not actually in my grandfather’s notebook, but it’s my favourite alagaupu on this list because it has very recent, very local origins
…as in, Sameli is still very much alive and we know him because he’s from my mom and uncle’s village.
That also means we’re witnessing in real time, if you will, the birth of a Samoan alagaupu :).
So, Sameli is a funny guy. At family gatherings, while they’re serving food first to the elders and high ranking matai, he’s known for yelling out to the kitchen, “Va’ai se mea a Sameli!”
Basically, poor Sameli is worried that all the good food will run out before it’s his turn to be served, so he’s just looking out for himself. Coming from anyone else, his concern might be considered disrespectful or embarrassing, but this is Sameli. He’s special 🙂 so it’s just funny.
And this expression is spreading. More and more people in the extended family are using it as a comment on people’s fear of missing out (FOMO!) without even knowing the Sameli story.
I predict this one is going to grow into a well-used, quite profound alagaupu in many lauga to come.
Last Word
These are only 12 …well, 11 (plus 1 extra)… out of over 400 alagaupu that my grandfather recorded in his notebook. I’ll work on sharing more of them with you in upcoming posts – but yes, I may have to save my most favourites for myself and the lauga that I will put together… someday lol.
Apparently, like many other tulafale (talking chiefs), my grandfather used to recite these alagaupu over and over to himself as he went about his day, constructing and memorizing lauga in his head.
Ever see an old Samoan man talking to himself? That’s probably what he’s doing, too :).
The meanings I’ve given these alagaupu here are based on how my uncle and his matai peers use these expressions in their own lauga, but language is pliable.
Your own understanding of these alagaupu might be completely different from ours, and just as correct.
Would love to see your own interpretations – and any other alagaupu you might want to share – in the comments.
I’ve read and am in total awe of your Grandfather’s eloquence.
Thank you so much for sharing your Grandfather’s wisdom.
Love and Blessings.
My grandfather was only a gatherer of Samoan wisdom 🙂
Thank you, Victoria
Is there a english translated version of the tusi faalupega?
Aha, that 400+ alagaupu book is starting to flow, nicely done. You are a natural writer/communicator, probably like your grandfather. Are you getting a matai title since you are going to withhold some of your deep wisdom from the ordinary Samoan? .LOL.
Nice of you to share your family’s treasures.. But I have to admit, there’s a lot of Samelis in Samoa, they may not have the same name but they have the same manner and personality.. LOL
It only took a hundred years but I eventually got around to this post.. I need to find an alagaupu about procrastination *sigh* lol..
Thank you for your (somewhat uncharacteristically) kind words 😀 I’m not getting a matai title any time soon, but I gotta put at least a few of those alagaupu bullets away just in case. You just never know when the extra ammunition will come in handy..lol
Oh wait… is keeping the good stuff for myself just me being Sameli?
Number 11 can be more easily summarised as seeing is believing. 😁
Its ok, e kuai kuai ae ka ke ma’oga ai..LOL..
hahaha…choooohoooo!! uncharacteristically kind words?.. you mean I may not be truthful?..hahaha.. Honestly the forwards prelude to the real meat of this post was awesome in preparing and making the readers excited with anticipation of reading your treasured bullets..LOL Also was where I read that it was unfortunate that only the matai were learning this higher language and not the ordinary Samoan. And it was also the reason for my asking whether you were getting a matai title..hahaha
But as far as being Sameli, only you can answer that question..LOL.. Nah! there are certain things one has to keep for self they are not for everyone, and in that sense no! I don’t think so. You are not Sameli, unless you are worry that the server might give you a smaller portion than what others are getting..or run out before your turn..hahaha
Hahaha @ kuai kuai ae aua e ke popole, e ke fiu e ai 😂😂😂. I think that’s the perfect alagaupu for all my procrastinations lollll.
Eh! ka fia ‘ai..LOL
Tryn think of a name for our baby boy something starts with Tautua?or Faaoga?
How about simple names such as:
Tautualelei, Tautuamatavela, Faaogalelei, Faaogasa’o, Faaogamaletonu
or Tautuafiamatai and Faaogalemafaufau..LOL
Hi Irene… I don’t know what your level of Samoan language understanding is, so just want to give you a heads up – JJW has given you some great name ideas, but don’t use his last 2 suggestions. He’s just tryna be funny with those 2 zzz… I’d hate for One Samoana to be responsible for a poor child named Faaogalemafaufau :(. Lol.
Thanks for sharing HGG! CherryK here n still living in Samoa! 😁 Ive heard a few of those alagaupu’s and the others will come in handy!
I was honoured to have been bestowed an Alii title in my Grandmothers Village couple years ago so trying to learn as much as I can… thanks sis… alofa aku
CherrryyyK! So nice to see a familiar name in the comments 🙂 Woww congratulations on the title. Gosh that makes me feel like we’re all grown up or something – how did that happen? Lol. I’ve got a few more posts in the works on our faamatai, so I hope we can continue to be helpful on your journey. Much alofas, sista x
Thank You Hamogeekgirl!
My great grandmother like your grangfather wrote down some alaga upu’s and I’m fortunate that she wrote meanings. Thank you for your heart in wanting to share. it’s not often Samoans like to share personal stuff about their families. Fa’afetai tele lava!
Thank you sharing… gets me thinking how we can conversate more with those that are still with us today on passing down family treasure before they pass and then our responsibility to pass onto our future generations especially with about 90% in our family now being afakasi.
Hi HGG and everyone else that will come to read this,
It never ceases to amaze me what one can unearth on the internet given; a) a substantial amount of free time on their hands and b) being stubborn (tenacious) enough to filter through every webpage search for the word “alagaupu”.
Welp, let’s just say I hit the jackpot.
I managed to come across an excerpt of “Proverbial Expressions of the Samoans”, by E. Schultz, on the Journal of the Polynesian Society website. I was initially overjoyed at the discovery but then disheartened that it was only an excerpt as this is the most comprehensive publication I have seen to date on the subject of alagupu and muagagana but I found the other excerpts on the site. Sure, it isn’t handwritten or painstakingly obtained through any hard work and experience or handed down through generational lines but it is extremely detailed with origins and even cultural insights. Please find the links below:
Please share this with everyone and anyone that is interested in this subject. Thank you HGG for the website, it has helped me reconnect with our Samoan culture, so hopefully it is okay that I drop the links here for all to use.
E lelei le Atua, ia tatou faʻafetai ia te Ia ona o Lona alofa.
Manuia i le su’esu’ega!
Welp, don’t I feel foolish – just saw that HGG already commented on E. Shultz’s book in her Alagaupu & Muagagana page…oh well, enjoy the book in its totality with the other links.
Lol… thank you, though, for pointing out that book / link again. It’s really an amazing resource – and a reminder to me that at least some of our ‘scary’ European colonisers did good things for us.
You’re welcome HGG, it really is amazing what can be found on the web. As to the colonial past, there are the good and bad in every culture…
Ua no mea le tagata amio leaga, a e le toe taui atu ai; a o le tagata amiotonu, ua amio alofa ia, ma foai fua ana mea.
Salamo 37:21
I really enjoyed reading this – it was awesome.
Thank you for sharing our cultural knowledge.
I know that some of us have heard of these alagā’upu and muāgagana but unable to understand and apply them to several scenarios.. but it is an honour to research on their meanings, not only it will help others, but it will contribute more in my own cultural understanding of such..
I believe that my father, Rev. Siaosi Leleimalefaga will help me through this.. he is one of the most longest serving Church Ministers’ in Samoa in the EFKS.. was also a School Principal at Leulumoega Fou College!!
Will keep in touch..but thanks again to the initiator.. God bless your soul my dear..
Manuia faasausauga o lenei po..
You are welcome… you are blessed to have the help of your father. x
Thank you Hamogeekgirl, Malo fa’afetai for sharing these gems of our wonderful language. I too am learning about how beautiful how culture is and the Matai oratory Language which Ive started taking up with PEC free Fa’atai bilingual classes and its just absolutely amazing … Keep up the great work in sharing and spreading the love for our culture and esp our language so it can be pass down to the next generators lol Malo lava le ogosai. God Bless you and God Bless Samoa!! Alofa aku.
Hi there,
I loved your post thank you so much for sharing.
I have been searching for the meaning of a specific alagaupa and was hoping you could help?
E toa e le loto, a e pa le noo
Which in understand to translate too “strong in the heart, but broken in the back” and refers to a man whose will is stronger than his body.
My question is what lesson is this used to teach and what are the intended implications of this proverb? And what instances in speech would this be used?
I apologize for the long question but would be so grateful for your help!
Riley, I am literally in the middle if writing a blog post that will answer your questions about how any alagaupu is interpeted (for lessons) and used in a lauga. I hope you don’t mind me mentioning you in that post.
The short answer is: it means whatever a creative orator wants it to.
Okay, just looking at your alagaupu properly.. First, it should probably read ‘e toa le loto’ (no second ‘e’), which means the heart/will is strong. ‘e toa E le loto’ doesn’t make sense.
Second, this line comes from the English language saying, ‘the spirit is willing but the body is weak’…but the wording of it in Samoan (how it’s phrased here) is a lot more derogatory. ‘pa le noo’ is literally referring to diarrhea.
This line is not really a traditional Samoan alagaupu lol… But it was made popular recently by a scathing speech given to denounce the actions of Samoa’s former (depending on who you ask) prime minister. His own priest – who loves him like a son – was stongly encouraging him to step down from office because the election is done and he lost. As far as I know, this prime minister still refuses to give up.
I’m interested to know now how you found this ‘alagaupu’ :). I hope you’re not planning to use it too often…
Or do. It’s funny :).
All new i need my faleo’o back
shoole still kicking lol
Ua mai?