A relative once asked my mom for baby names. He and his wife were expecting a girl and wanted to give her a beautiful, meaningful Samoan name.
My mom delved into the family history and over a few days she came up with a list of names. Each of these Samoan names carried so much cultural weight, so much deep sentiment. For example, one name referred to the succession of royalty in Samoan history. Another name described building a powerful fortress against enemies. Another name came from the famed crusade of a legendary warrior goddess.
As my mom read her list of thoughtfully curated Samoan names to the couple, each name was – respectfully – rejected, thank you.
The names were either too hard to pronounce, they said, or just not ‘pretty’ enough to their westernized ears.
That sucked. What a waste of some great names!
But then I remember asking my Chinese friends for nice baby names, and no. I would probably not use any of their suggested names either for the same reasons.
Seeking Pretty Samoan Baby Names
SO, I thought I would take on the Samoan baby name challenge myself, except I would pay more attention to how these Samoan words sound in the ear of English speakers.
Of course these Samoan names have nice meanings, too, so don’t worry. I’m not trying to name your daughter the Samoan translation of ‘door’ or ‘government’.
(Although… you’d be surprised by some of the names Samoans give their kids. That’s a story for another day!)
Instead, I’ve come up with a list of names that I could imagine getting popular amongst non-Samoans, but names that still have some significance in our culture.
A Side Note for Samoans
Before we get to our list of Samoan baby names for girls, I’d like to make a heartfelt suggestion.
If you ARE Samoan… even just a little bit…? I hope you will, please, consider going to the elders in your family to find Samoan baby names.
Their name ideas will likely be unique – even amongst other Samoans – because their names will be tied to the land and chiefly titles and significant stories in your own family history.
The names in your family might not always be friendly to a non-Samoan ear, but heyy… people can learn to say Samoan words, too, right?
…especially to honour a name that carries with it the mana of your Samoan ancestry.
15+ Samoan Baby Names for Girls
Okay, let’s get to this list of pretty sounding Samoan names for girls… that have nice meanings, too!
1. Teuila [te̞u’ila] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/teuila.mp3″]
This name is pretty popular already. It’s the Samoan word for the very beautiful red ginger flower and also the name of the biggest annual cultural festival in Upolu.
2. Lanuola [lanu’ɔla] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/lanuola.mp3″]
This is only a portion of a couple of longer title (matai) names, but taken out of context, its literal translation is ‘living color’:
lanu = colour
ola = life / living
I love that.
3. Elei [e̞’le̞i] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/elei-1.mp3″]
The traditional art of decorating fabric in Samoa involves carving patterns into blocks of wood, inking them and pressing them onto the fabric. The resulting designs are called ‘elei’. I think the word is a pretty alternative to the more popular Hawaiian name Leilani (Lei for short).
4. Natia [na’ti:a] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/natia.mp3″]
Again, this is commonly only a small part of longer title names (and poetic sentiments) in the Samoan language, but this word by itself means ‘hidden’… as in a hidden treasure or secret. I like this name so much I’m saving a longer version of it for my own child one day… 🙂
5. La’ei [la’ʔe̞i] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/laei.mp3″]
La’ei refers to clothing, but more in the sense of ‘fashion’ rather than just clothes. So if you can handle pronouncing the glottal stop in the middle of this word, and you aren’t scared of predisposing your daughter to a love of fashion, then this is the name for you!
6. Masina [ma’si:na] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/masina.mp3″]
This name is also quite popular amongst Samoans – for girls and boys – although it does sound more girly to the non-Samoan ear. It’s our word for ‘moon’, and it reminds me of one of my most favourite songs: Moe i le po masina (asleep on a moonlit night).
7. Manaia [ma’naia] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/manaia.mp3″]
I love this name for so many reasons, including the fact that it was given to my (boy) cousin by my grandmother – he was the last child she named before she died. Its simple meaning is ‘nice’ or ‘good’ or ‘beautiful’.
In Samoan culture, though, ‘manaia’ is what we call the son of a high chief, especially when he performs the taualuga, which is a graceful solo dance to honour his family and village.
As a name, it works for girls as well as boys, and when shortened can either be ‘Mana’, which refers to a spiritual power, or ‘Naya’.
8. Tausa’afia [tausaʔa’fi:a] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/tausaafia.mp3″]
Okay this one is a little more challenging to pronounce, but I still think it’s a great name that should be considered for a girl. Why?
First, its meaning. This word refers to a pleasant and love-able personality – someone who is kind and good and well-mannered.
Second, ‘sa’afia’ doesn’t sound too different from ‘Sophia’ so it’s not completely unfamiliar… and because ‘afi’ is our word for ‘fire’, the name also reminds me of the word ‘Saphire’, which is pretty, too, right?
For short, you could call this child ‘Tau’ or ‘Fia’.
9. Talia [ta’li:a] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/talia-1.mp3″]
Doesn’t that just sound pretty? Its meaning is just a bonus. It comes from the word ‘fa’atali’, which means ‘to wait’, but talia is used often to refer to waiting in anticipation for something big, as in, the Second Coming of the Lord.
10. Samaria [sama’ɹi:a] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/samaria.mp3″]
Continuing the Christian theme, this name was made even more popular by this gorgeous track by Vaniah Toloa. It’s the Samoan word for ‘Samaritan’, as in the Bible’s Good Samaritan. But if you break the word down, it could also mean Sacred (‘sā’) Maria.
Alright!! Let’s add a few more very pretty Samoan girl names to this list.
11. Talialealofa [ta’liale̞a’lɔfa] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/talialealofa-1.mp3″]
Related to the name Talia, this name is made up of three words:
talia = waiting on / receiving
le = the
alofa = love
When someone gives you a gift, or a meal or does something kind for you, Samoans call that love – alofa. When you receive that kindness with gratitude and humility, we can say, “Ua ou talia le alofa,” or… “I have received the love”… which is to say, “I accept and truly appreciate your kindness.”
This makes a great name for a child, especially if you consider her to be a gift, an act of mercy and love for you, from God above.
12. Tali’ilagi [taliʔi’laŋi] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/taliilagi.mp3″]
Okay, one more name that is related to Talia…and this one is my absolute favourite. I first heard it in the chorus of the classic song, Samoa Matalasi …which talks about God as the foundation of Samoa. It says:
Le Ao o lou Malo tali i lagi
The literal meaning of tali i lagi is to ‘wait on Heaven’… but in the context of this song, it refers to being inspired bye Heaven.
The phrase is used a lot in chiefly speeches, especially after a difficult debate about a pressing issue. Tali i lagi, in this case, means ‘ let’s leave it to Heaven to provide [an answer]’.
As a name, Tali’ilagi is really about faith and allowing God to show us the way forward.
13. Lanu’ese’ese [lanuʔe̞se̞’ʔe̞se̞] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/lanueseese.mp3″]
We mentioned above that lanu is the Samoan word for colour. The word ‘ese’ese means ‘different’ as in, a variation. So lanu’ese’ese refers to a variety of different colours.
14. Lupesina [lupe̞’si:na] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/lupesina.mp3″]
I found this name in our comments (below) – thank you for sharing it! But then I realized that I actually know a lady with this name.
Lupe is our word for the pidgeon (bird), but sina refers to something being white, or even something that is pretty close to sacred…so , my conclusion is that lupesina is our word for the white dove.
Lupe and Sina are both great short versions of this name.
15. Manūfa’aifomailagi [manu:faʔa’ifɔmai’laŋi] [sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://anavasamoana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/manufaaifomailagi.mp3″]
This one is a mouthful, for sure… but bear with me, because it is beautiful.
This name is from Samoa’s higher (matai) language so some of the words in it might not be easily recognized by casual Samoan speakers.
Manū = blessing/blessings
fa’aifo = the act of bestowing/giving
mai = from
lagi = Heaven (as in, where God lives (not just the sky))
As you can see, then, this name has a very simple meaning: Blessing(s) bestowed by God (Heaven)…but what makes it so stunning is that it is expressed in Samoa’s higher, more poetic language mostly only spoken by matai and ministers.
Let’s keep adding names
This post is going to remain a ‘living’ document – anytime I (we) come up with pretty names, I’ll add them to the list, okay?
I already see several more names in our comments that I will get to soon, but if you don’t see your favourite Samoan name for girls here, yet, please drop a comment.
Oh, and if you want to know the meaning of a Samoan name, tell us about that, too!
This article was first posted 13 Feb 2013 on our previous website: One Samoana. It’s since been pretty much re-written. The first 10 names are still the same, though, and I’ll continue to add names over time.
… i’m partial to Lei’asa 🙂 … sacred mermaid? LMAO!! … or sumn of the sort
… another pretty one is MATASAUA … it’s a place in the Manu’a Islands that is said to be quite beautiful .. haven’t been there myself but the name is beautiful … said to be sacred and only used to name descendants of that place or family? *shrugs* … kai’lo haha!
… TAULASEA is another very meaningful one coz it’s a title as well as a name … they’re healers of sorts these “taulasea” women?
… oh! another is SAVALIOLETOA … that’s also a hand’me down type of name kept in the family buts its the translation that’s AWESOME coz it’s a name for the TAUPOU and it means “the walk of the warrior” … booya! i wanna be named that in my next life! lol
Thank you Wrydah. Each of your suggestions is beautiful!
Walk on, warrior! 🙂
Is Savalioletoa only used for girls, or can boys be named that, too?
Savalioletoa, to me, sounds more like a boy’s name. But as with most Samoan names, I’m sure it would work fine for both boys and girls.
I LOVE the name Talia but I’m afraid it will always be pronounced “tal-ya”. Do you know of any other spellings within the samoan language? Ta’lia?
Molipopo (a name given to a girl)…back in the days before power was even introduce to Samoa, people use coconut to make light at night.
..and for short we could call her Molly..lol.. Wow I would love to see one of those old coconut night lights.
I think ‘Seiaute’ (a hibiscus flower worn behind the ear or in the hair) is a beautiful name, too.
My daughter’s middle name is Talalele ~ “Good news” ….when she was little she’d say “but sometimes I’m bad news!” LOL ~ boy was she telling the truth!
She sounds adorable! lol 🙂
Yes, Talalelei! Typing too fast without much coffee …. and desperately needing the samoan version of spellcheck ~ LOLLLLL ;~)
How would you pronounce talalelei?
Heya… Ta-la-le-LEI, emphasis on the last syllable, with the ‘a’ sounds like the a in father.
I’ll get some audio into this post soon, k? 🙂
Samoan spellcheck??? Yes please!!!
I hears this samoan saying. Can someone help me say it in samoan. “All streams lead to this waterfall”
Thank you!
How exciting that the name I suggested (Well part of it) ; made number 2 on this list. Another family name that I love dearly is my great grandmother’s name ; Faatafeapeauolesami. =)
Any suggestions for girl names that begin with letter ‘u’?
I know someone named Uputaua (which I think is a beautiful name)
My cousin’s name is Uaine (pronounced: WINE-ay) …I think it’s so pretty.
I have no idea what it means, but I do believe it’s a name in her mom’s family… which means, I don’t know if they would appreciate me sharing it here lol
Ah well 🙂
unique. my daughters name is unique 🙂
My name is Uputaua Talalelei Suniula, I’m a New Zealand born Samoan and carry my beautiful grandmother and mother’s name with me x
Upu = word(s), Taua = very important… This name seems to refer to the Bible (The Word), would you agree?
Talalelei has a similar meaning. Tala = word (or story), Lelei = good. The Bible is often referred to as The Good Word.
How do you understand the meaning of your name?
It is indeed very beautiful.
Savali say”Haay,Thats My Name”!Given To Me By My Beloved Grandma Who Raised ME Since Knee High..Miss You Ma.
My dad who i have never met named me after a taupou i think in his village – Lefaga. He named me FAALAGILAGIOAIGASATUALA but i go as Lagi for short. love the name lagi as it means heavenly/sky. dont know what my full name means. anyone????
Hey Lagi .. ‘Fa’alagilagi’ means to formally honor someone by referring to them with their title names… Like using the title ‘her royal majesty’ to refer to the queen. It looks like your name means: to refer with honor to the family (aiga) of Satuala (‘sa’ refers to an entire clan and Tuala is the family name).
I’m not familiar with the families or hierarchies in Lefaga, but it’s a pretty meaningful name that, I would suspect, bonds you to your father’s family.
Beautiful 🙂
Wow, my 21st many years ago a church rep/failautusi during his speech said something along that line abot matai’s and satuala but being the moepi i was not listening and now am interested.
In somoan an my name is pele but what does that mean
Wow, old discussion still fun reading..LOL.. I don’t know if there is a country name Somoa or Somoan.. but your name means a leaf to be eaten..hahaha.
Lagi means “again” in Indonesian lol just thought I’d add that in there 😛
I love #8. I just found out today I am expecting baby girl #4. My 5&3 year olds are half Samoan. Their names are Fuamatala and Selesitina.
Congratulations Ann! Any thoughts for the new baby’s name?
We have decided to name baby girl Tatiana’lei. Her dad and grandma came up with it….lol
Aww that’s a pretty name – that sounds ALL of Polynesian lol … Good for you 🙂
Okay I know I’m super late to this lol but I’m in love with your daughters name Selesitina, how is that pronounced? Is it possibly the Samoan version of the name Celestina?
Is there a meaning to Seleia? I like how it sounds as a girl name.
Sorry for the late reply LuvshrHamo … I don’t actually know that name Seleia. Is it a Samoan name? How did you know it?
i love # 9 im preggo now and the father is Samoan…. im not sure what the baby is yet but I have looked at many names for both…. my thing is i just want something i can pronounce… although i do find some of the more difficult to pronounce names very beautiful..
Yes I really love the name ‘Talia’ … congratulations on the new baby 🙂
Thanks! And I just found out its a girl! I have one other daughter named Malia although I americanized the spelling..Maliyah.. wish I didnt:/ but I still love the name Talia.
Wow nice Janiesha… let us know what you end up naming the new girl 🙂
So the father and i decided to name her Isalei alaya…. he asked for her name to be Isalei and the alaya is hebrew for to be lifted up or exalted. … i think its so pretty! And thanks!
Awww Isalei is a pretty name – I know it from that one Fijian song. Nice touch with ‘Alaya’!
My daughters’ names are Leilani and Litia…
Hi Lillian,
I noticed you go by “Lei’a” My boyfriend’s Samoan family name is Lei’a and we are trying to figure out what it means and the name’s lineage. Any help would be appreciatedl Thanks!
Hey Kayla … Lei’a is actually the name of my great-great-great (maybe one more great? lol) grandfather … Its literal meaning is ‘the fish’ (i’a means fish)… but I know the word itself has another meaning, not just in the higher Samoan language, but also in reference to something that is part of our family history. I don’t know the details yet, sorry. But as soon as I find out, I’ll post it up here k? 🙂
Hi all my name is Faimasulu and it means -let me be the light to others or maybe me being the shining light to others. I am proud to be the light to others and i got my name from my aunty, and she passed away….Here I am taking our name everywhere.
I have a friend who, is Samoan, and her name is Maligi. I was wondering on what the meaning is.
Hi Kirsten. My only understanding of the word ‘maligi’ is in the phrase ‘ua maligi loimata’. Loimata means tears. The phrase refers to that moment when tears start to well up in the eyes 🙂 .. like, ‘ua maligi o’u loimata i le matagofie o le aso’ which means, I begin to tear up at the beauty of the day… or something like that lol
There might be another meaning for the word maligi, but I can’t think of one right now. Maybe someone else can help…?
“Pele” is another beautiful Samoan name for girls. It can mean “Treasure” or “Precious”, depending on how anyone would want to interpret their daughter’s name. For a firstborn girl, it would suit her very well because it would be your first “Precious” one, your first Pele…. (:
Maligi can mean either Drops of rain or tears falling or it can also mean Marine… alot of times Samoans are named after one another so a common name with a common meaning could be a uncle or aunts name passed down it is customary
Maligi is Samosn translation of the english word marines as in the American branch of the military. It is also mean Ma Ling a can of grind up meat similar to spam.
My name is Nele Logotaeao named after my Great Grandmother and Grandmother respectively. Nele is German pronounced Nela and my bdautiful Samoan name Logotaeao supposedly means morning bells, yet I recently was told it meant bells of the day. So, if anyone knows please reply. Thanks. My heritage relates back to Queen of Tonga Salote.
Morning bells… that explains why “hello sunshine” was such a natural way for you to be greeted each day!
Suapaia cousin! We are cousins, my grandmother Fa’aliliu Suapaia Higgins. Also goes by Mona
Her older sister is Aunty Lela.
Her mom is Fa’afeu Nele Suapaia
I am also middle named after our Great Great Grandfather Saimasina
I’m playing Smackdown vs. Raw 2010, a video game which has a problem: it doesn’t allow men to hit women or vice versa. That’s all well and good, I get it; let’s not teach little boys that beating up girls is totally fun. Okay.
But for my poor girlfriend, if she wants to play, she can only fight a few different ladies, and doesn’t get a story mode. But that is why I bought this version. Because it has a story designer mode.
I have made her a fantastic story, where her female character, The Crimson Tigress, a chinese outlaw who sells organs on the black market (never should have let me make the story up) and I am going to have her accomplice, Omega, a vicious, ruthless ninja, give her a very perverse gift: a one year contract for a personal wrestler bodyguard. Basically, the gift of a slave.
And I think all the nice ladies and friendly fellas on this website would be happy to know, I have created a very unique bodyguard for The Crimson Tigress: a female Samoan midget who will be well known as a wrecking ball. She’ll teach all The Tigress’ enemies a valuable lesson.
And you’ll all no doubt be happy to know, and praise me accordingly, that her name shall be Talalelei (Good News for Tigress, but sometimes Bad News, for her enemies)
Her last name shall be Matasaua, for she shall be the black sheep of a very good family, who brings a bad name and is despised by the rest of the Matasaua family.
Yes, the evil is flowing nicely. And Telelelei Matasaua shall forever be known to my specific copy of the game of Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 as ‘The Samoan.’ Because she will obviously be the first and only Samoan in all of wrestling.
Thank you all for your help!
Hi my name is Fiatagata after my grandma and I always get looks when I tell people my name cause they say it means something like wannabe. I was wondering what the actual meaning is. Also what does Fasila’afai mean?
I think that’s cool i understand
“tay-weela”? Nope. E is pronounced “eh” like in “egg” and U is pronounced “ooh” like in “you”. Teh-ooh-weela. You egg 😛 😉
I’m having a baby girl next month and I’ve been having a hard time finding a name that starts with an E. A Samoan name. any suggestions?
Elenise pronounced Eh Leh Nee Seh
I loved all of these names! I think they’re beautiful and so unique.
I’m Samoan, and my last name is ili. Does anyone know what it means? I don’t talk to my Samoan side of the family, so I can’t ask them..
I’m samoan too. My name means wisdom or smart. My dad told me.
Ili is a fan, from what I understand. The woven fans that women use to cool themselves.
What does the name Atalina mean?
Adaline 🙂
I have a friend who’s name is Liumeitupou she goes by Tupou or just Pou . Id love to know what the meaning behind her name is .
Hi Tiffany. Sorry for the late reply. The name Liumeitupou is pretty, but it’s not Samoan. It sounds Tongan. I know that tupou (in both Samoan and Tongan) refers to royalty, so that at least is a starting place for your search 🙂
i have a cousin her name is Lupeolefoagasausauimoanamataniufeagaimaleata i asked my aunty where she gets her daughter’s name and she say its all combine named from her mother mother in law grandmothers both sides and great great grandmothers. We called her Lupe for short and it doesnt stop there she has all her girls with samoan names there is Nafanuapapafaotumua and the youngest girl Aliitaeaofaigameailetai… and the stories behind these names i cant stop having my aunt tells it all over again…
Lupe o le Foaga Sausau i Moana Mataniu Feagai ma le Ata…. Netta if I may….. your absolutely right its a combination of alot of different names and different historical references Lupe o le Foaga Sausau i Moana…. reminds me of the Alagaupu “Ua sausau fia lele le manu nai utufiu” its a story of a tamed bird who was so happy to see wild birds flying that it flapped with Joy in the hope of joining them… its used in Lauga when you are addressing a Happy occasion…. o le aso ua sausau fia lele le manu nai utufiu ona o le fa’aipoipoga o pai ma lafai etc…. as for Mataniu Feagai ma le Ata… this is a Malae a famous Malae because in Samoan history Mataniu Fegai ma le Ata was where Christianity came into Samoa and the day or “Taeao” is honored as “Le Taeao na i Mataniu Fegai ma le Ata” alot of times in speeches or in welcoming visitors folks will name all the important Taeao of Samoa…. Taeao na i Namo… Taeao na i Saua…. Taeao na i Mataniu Feagai ma le Ata… and at the end… they’ll say a’o sili le taeao lenei aua ua tatou feiloai ma paia o lena itu o le Aiga… in other words all these great days in Samoan history but today we celebrate because we can be together… Usually when you have names like this in your family its because your family is directly linked to the stories that are connected to the names or places and names are usually a way for Samoans to keep alive the history of the family to say Mataniu Feagai ma le Ata everyday makes it easier to remember than to say it just in times of Fa’alavelave or Fa’atasiga… well I hope e aoga la’u fa’aopo’opo mo oe… ma le ava tele ma le fa’aaloalo….. Ma’osi I O M Tuitele
Anyone know what mine means “Styson” I also have a middle name and it’s my Uncle’s first name “Telesoma” thank you and I only came on here for a name for my daughter
Have you done a thread like this for male names? I am in search of baby boy samoan name? Also does kevesi mean anything?
sometimes it’s easier to go backwards in Samoan if you want a Samoan name for it’s meaning think of something in english and than look up the Samoan meaning cause if you try to go from Samoan to english you can have a word that has many meanings where as if you go the other way you can have many meanings for one word… if you get what the Rock is cooking
Kevesi i think is Travis I’ve seen it also as Tavesi or Tevesi… many translated names have more than one Samoan version ie John….
even in the bible the book of James is “o le tusi o Iakopo”
but Iakopo is more commonly known as Jacob… so yea…
I just have one suggestion for anyone naming a child a Samoan name most of the time if you are naming a child a Samoan name you are probably Samoan so alot of these names have not only a meaning in Samoan but family historical reference so if you have alot of family members with the same name there’s probably a reason for that and also there are certain names that belong to certain families….
ie Taupou names like Fenunuivao, Punipuao, Tinumasalasala, Apa’ula, Samala’ulu etc…
and not limited to Chiefly titles which are too many to begin listing…
just keep in mind that if you name your child something that they aren’t connected to it can cause problems and I know its nobody’s business what you name your child but there are people who have gotten sick because a name belonged to a spiritually strong family and that family’s ancestors were not pleased with the child carrying the name so im not saying this to be politically correct but rather to warn folks Samoan names aren’t to be taken lightly because Samoans are a very spiritually sensitive people and stuff does happen…
Knowing a Samoan name’s meaning also comes with a responsibility of knowing it’s history if the name be family oriented a little research will make the name worthy of your precious child…
anyways afai iai so’u upu ua tiga ai se finagalo a se isi ia lafo ia ia fogava’a ma natia ita i fatualavai…
ma le agaga maualalo…
My daughters name is Aimeamiti Taupou. She has her Great Great Great Grandmothers first name and her aunties middle name. I have never known what her first name means. Her Father named her and it always been a mystery.
My sons name is easier to translate; Iosefa Siosi Tautua. First name is after his first uncle, first middle after his grandfather, and second middle is after is great grandfather. First day of school is always fun in our home. Lol
Aimeamiti means to take advantage or take liberties with someone else
I’m having my second daughter and wanted her to have a Samoan name as well, my name is Nive Vaiola and my first daughter is named Lanuola Aute. I like the name Natia especially because we found out late that we were expecting again, but I wanted her name to have more meaning and not just a definition. Any suggestions for a longer version of this name?
Natiaofaamanuiaga. (Hidden blessings) or you can Use another name Talimailelagi (answer from heaven)
“Natia ita i fatualavai” it’s a proverbial saying that comes from a story of how the first Pua’a was brought from Samoa but today it is used as a way of humbling oneself in a meeting of many dignitaries.
I love that name, “Talimailelagi”! How do you pronounce it? Is it tah-lee-M(EYE)-lay-LONG-EE? Or tah-lee-mah-ee-lay-long-ee?
[…] 10 pretty-sounding samoan names for girls…that have nice […]
I’m named after my grandma and she told me what our name meant before she passed, but I forgot. So I was just wondering what my name meant. (My name is Vaitu’u.)
what about Liliupoukalani
I know this is an old thread but I need help!!! I’m looking for the Samoan translation of the girl’s name, Grace. I looked online and Answers.com said it’s Kalasia. Another website said the attribute of grace was alofa tunoa. A friends dad who lived in Samoa till he was a teenager said it was alofa fua. Which is it??? Anybody know?? My husband is Samoan but he was never taught the language and his dad said he didn’t know. Thank you!!!
Hi Sue,
The samoan word for Grace is talosaga which means its a prayer..
It is a very beautiful name for a baby girl…
My wife and I are having a baby soon. It’s a girl and I was leaning more towards Sefina. I am of Samoan culture but have not had time to study upon it. What is the traditional meaning for it so when she’s born and we go back to visit my family we can become immersed in our native culture?
The name Sawaiigaea is in our family, & I gave one of my sons that name. Does anyone know it’s meaning?
Hi Kristin. The Samoan language doesn’t have a ‘w’ in it. Is the name actually Savaiinaea? Savai’i, of course, is our largest island. I’m not sure what Savaiinaea means, but I have heard it around. It’s most likely a title name. Hopefully someone who reads this will have a better idea for you (assuming, of course, that this is the correct name)>
Thank u for the reply…the name is pronounced exactly how u have it written…W=V & G=N. I asked my grandmother & she said you are right. It is spelled wrong, & someone in the family changed the spelling for some reason.
Hi again Kristen… I know that w is pronounce v in the Hawaiian language. Do you have any Hawaiian family? 🙂
Love looking at all the Samoan names. Expecting later this year and I am named after my grandfathers sister. (Lelia). And my great grandmothers name was Elenise. I am still looking for a Samoan girls name to carry on the heritage. If its a boy iI think I will name him after my grandfather. Isaia.
would love to hear from you Lelia – my name is Lia’i named after my grandmother Lia’i from Moata’a – she had a brother Isaia and sister Lelia
I love my name Epenesa.I’m named after my Great Great Grandmother.. My name is also in the bible.. Epenesa (Ebenezer) meaning Ma’a Fesoasoani. Ma’a (Rock/Stone) Fesoasoani (Help/Helpful). A church in my mothers village of Moata’a is also called Epenesa.After the 1st church was destroyed another 1 was built and is called Epenesa ll.. I get called Epe,Nesa,Espenzer,Nes,Eps,Nescafé.. gosh I can on for ages.. lol but the 1 I get called when I’m in trouble is EPENESA (with a angry tone!!) lol
Why is Sina excluded? its a beautiful legendary name…anyways I’m Ruth named after my nana Ruta…why do my elders say Luka even though my name is spelt Ruta.
Hi Ruth… I love the name Sina, but it’s often short for other names, like Masina or Sinalei. One of the most beautiful versions I’ve heard of a name that can be shortened to Sina is ‘Ma’asina’… which refers to a stone that bleeds. I also love ‘Sinasina’ (emphasis on the last syllable), which refers to how the wisdom of our elders is apparent in the white of their hair. Samoan language is so beautiful 🙂
As for Luka (which I think is a cute variation of your name)… The letter R was not in our original alphabet. It was adopted later, along with H and K. Before that, L was the closest phonetic sound we knew, so even today, we often replace Rs with Ls … The story with the letter T is a little bit different. While ‘proper’ Samoan requires us to pronounce Ts correctly, informally – I don’t know why or when this started – we just like to use the K sound instead of T … lol
THESE ARE SUCH BEAUTIFUL NAMES! Samoan culture is truly beautiful. I use to HATE my name as a child since no one could pronounce it properly here in Australia lol. My full name is Lupesina. However, as I grew up. I started to love my name because my parents didn’t give me that name for no reason. I knew that I was Lupesina, a name which made me so unique. I was wondering if you’ve heard that name before or know things about it…?
Hi Sina. It’s difficult to say what many Samoan names refer to because they are often specific to the history and titles of individual families. I can tell you, though, that lupe means pigeon and sina means something that is grey or white (usually due to age, ie. White hair on our elders). So, without knowing your family’s history or titles, my guess is that your name is probably referring to a dove. At least, I like that idea 🙂
My daughter is half Western Samoan and has chosen Samoan names for her little girls: Le’ai and Vaie’e, after their great-grandmother and Grandmother, respectively. It may fall to me, however – an Italian – to teach them Samoan, because my daughter has neither interest nor natural skill with languages, while Samoan has a vowel system so very similar to our Italian I find it easy to learn. I am determined that they should value and protect their Samoan heritage, even though they may look European.
Thank you for sharing this!!!. I am expecting my first GrandDaughter and her name is Natia Aulelei, which fits her perfectly! Her Mom, My only Daughter was afraid to tell her Dad and I she was expecting so hid her from us. I can’t wait to meet my beautiful “hidden” treasure.
These are pretty names! My friend is half Samoan and her name is Lauina. What does it mean?
What about Josina
My dad begged me to name my daughter after his mother. Not sure if the spelling is correct. What is the meaning? He tells me a weird story that doesn’t sound appealing. It’s Fa’aleanoanognutupua’aelo’i’tamali’i.
Hi Petero. I know of a lot of Samoan names that don’t sound very appealing at all. They will have come from events in our family histories – some that no one even remembers anymore. But these not-so-nice names continue to be handed down only to honour our loved ones with namesakes.
The name you mention is definitely one of these kinds of names. I have no idea what event it refers to, but I can tell you what the individual words in it mean.
Fa’aleanoano = to not care (as in, apathy)
Gutu = mouth
Pua’a = pig
Elo = (adjective that describes) an offensive odor
Tamali’i = high chief
I can only imagine what amazing story resulted in this name.
Please remember that while Samoans love our history, we love our people more… so your dad begging you to give your daughter this name is more about honouring his mother than it is about the name itself.
That’s how I would see it, anyway 🙂
Hi my name is Fiasosoitamalii and my mother and father told me that I was name after my Grandma. Which is my dads mother. She passed away in 1999
That’s a beautiful name. Fia = desire to … Soso (emphasis on the 2nd syllable)= get closer to … Tamali’i = high ranking matai. Nice.
hi there a very old post but hopefully hamogeekgirl you might still be about. Had our baby girl last week and my partner would like to turn back to his samoan roots and he likes the name Talia as listed on this site but living in nz I feel she might spend her entire life correcting people how to pronounce it properly. Is there another way of spelling this so the pronunciation isn’t missed ie Tuleah? I also love the name Ester which means star is there a samoan translation for this name at all?
Hi Sas
Yes I’m still here 🙂
I’ve lived in Auckland for a couple of decades now and in my experience, Talia is one of the easier names for non-Samoans to pronounce. I don’t know of any other established spellings for this name, but I think if you ask around, t-a-l-i-a makes more sense as a spelling than t-u-l-e-a-h (to me, that reads, “too lee” – but maybe it’s cause I’m reading with my Samoan eyes..? lol)
That said, of course it’s up to you how you want to spell your child’s name.
I’m so happy you’re thinking of Talia as a name for your baby, though, because it really is beautiful.
Ohh, and Ester in Samoan is Eseta. (Check out our other post about Biblical names for more of those). But the word, “star” in Samoan is fetu (feh TOO), also a popular name for children.
I love that name, “Talimailelagi”! How do you pronounce it? Is it tah-lee-M(EYE)-lay-LONG-EE? Or tah-lee-mah-ee-lay-long-ee?
PharmD, in Samoan vowels always end a syllable. Most of the time the second to last syllable gets the emphasis. So Talimailelagi would be tah-lee-meye-lay-LAH-ngee. In practice though, a name that long would be shortened to probably Lagi, Tali, (not maile) but mostly just “Teine”.
I love the name Tausa’afia.. I like how it sounds and its meaning. And the fact that its so difficult for most people to pronounce it..
My husband and I are planning to name our daughter,
Sa’otama’ita’i Tausala Tausa’afia, let me know what you all think. Alofas.
I love that you’re using ‘Sa’otama’ita’i’ (= what we call the highest taupou title of a clan) as a name 🙂 That’s like the name ‘Aloali’i’ (= refers to the son of a high chief) for boys. It sounds powerful and regal. Your daughter’s proposed full name sounds perfect to me.
I have 2 daughters and both their names are listed here- Eleitino for short we call her Elei and my youngest who was born with a congenital heart defect carries the name Tausa’afia her father wanted a name that talked about having a good kind heart etc
We must have great minds, then… thinking alike 🙂 Those are beautiful names, Charalofa.
Hi, I love languages and have a male Samoan student named Sialiinofo. I am so curious to know what that means, but he only said it was his grandfather’s name, although he speaks fluent Samoan. Any ideas as to the meaning?
Hi Maria
A lot of our names come from chiefly titles, or our ‘higher’ Samoan language, so they’ll often have more than one meaning – a simple, everyday meaning, and then a deeper, more poetic meaning, usually based on their family history.
I can tell you what the literal meaning of your student’s name is, but please note that it might not be the actual, intended meaning. Only he (or his family) can confirm that for you.
Si = the (but a more endearing term for “the”, which is actually “le”)
Ali’i = high chief
Nofo = sitting
What I can tell you about this phrase is… our highest ranking chiefs (ali’i) usually don’t say much in village/family counsel meetings. They let their talking chiefs (tulafale) do all the deliberating and will only make the final decisions, which they pass along to their tulafale to announce. Because of this, they’re also known as ‘sitting chiefs’.
So I’m going to conclude that this name is just referring, affectionately, to a high chief, particularly one who is in a counsel meeting.
You should ask your student if he or someone in his family is willing to share with you any other, more accurate meanings for his name.