Matai is the Samoan word for leader, or chief, or even (in the poetic sense) father. Samoan society is organized by family, and each family has its own matai titles, which are connected to certain districts, villages and plots of family land.

And that was the short version of this story.

In reality, Samoa’s matai system is intricate and complicated, and I’m taking on the highly ambitious endeavour of breaking it down for you here.

(Pray for me).

Let’s start with the big picture.

Where did Matai come from?

In the beginning, Samoa was populated by only a few families – today we count 16 of them and we call them ‘Aiga Tupu’, or royal families.

Each of these families were named after their leader and inhabited different parts of Samoa. For example, a person named Alaiasā was the head of one of these founding families, which populated areas in the eastern region of Upolu. We now call this extended family Sā’alaiasa, that is:

‘Sā’ (meaning ‘sacred’ or ‘royal’) + ‘Alaiasā’

Over time, areas of Samoa separated into districts and villages, and leaders of these divisions were honored with their own matai titles, many of which were named after significant events in history, or to acknowledge a service rendered, or to pass on a morsel of Samoan wisdom.

For example, a prominent title from the Upolu village Manono is Lei’ataua.

Ok, I confess. I don’t really know the story behind that title (even though it’s in my family, shame on me), but its literal translation is:

Le = The + I’a = fish + Taua = War
(as in ‘The fish of war’ not ‘The war of fish‘)

… AND Manono is known for its prominent involvement in several vicious wars in the old days, so you can see how this title most likely commemorates an event in this village’s history.

Roles and Responsibilities

Matai titles were further classified by their roles in relationship to other titles in a family.

The Ali’i Title

Ali’i is the name we give to the highest title in a family. Those who hold an ali’i title are known as ‘sitting chiefs’, because they usually don’t say much at council meetings. They will oversee proceedings, make the final, important decisions (after consulting with other matai) and pass their instructions along in whispers to lower ranking, talking chiefs.

The Tulafale Title

Tulafale is what we call these mouthpieces of the ali’i. They are expected to be skilled in the art of lauga (oration), and for their eloquence at village and family gatherings, they are often highly rewarded in terms of money, fine mats and perishable goods.

Traditionally, matai were men, but women are not without a voice.

The Taupou Title

A title with almost the same clout as the Ali’i is the taupou. To be a taupou, this lady must be connected to the family or village by blood (not marriage) and must be a daughter of an ali’i.

To be the official taupou of the village, and therefore the head of its Nu’u o Tama’ita’i (all the women born into this village) she is usually the daughter of the highest ranking ali’i in that village, and the title needs to be ceremonially bestowed on her, just like the other titles are bestowed.

Titles and their Responsibilities

On top of helping to make decisions for the family (and village), those who hold these titles are seen as spiritual and temporal caretakers of all who fall under their authority.

In other words, a GOOD matai will run a self-sufficient, well-nourished, happy family / village, but all matai better have extra padding in their pockets to feed people.

And donate to weddings and funerals.

And buy gifts for other villages when they go to visit.

So much more.

Samoan chief. From the album: Samoa, circa 1918, Sāmoa, by Alfred James Tattersall. Te Papa (O.041893)

Ranking of the Matai

So. Every ali’i title is connected to a specific tulafale title and a specific taupou title. For example, the ali’i title Ilimatogafau ‘owns’ the tulafale title Fa’ifa’imea and the taupou title Taimalietane… as in, these are the governing titles of one extended family.

Whether or not this family and its trio of titles gets to govern an entire village will depend on how this family ranks against the other families in the village, or the answers to all of the following questions:

As you can see, village politics can get pretty… messy. And hurtful. And sometimes a little dangerous, especially when more than one family has decided – and don’t try to tell them otherwise – that they rank the highest.

Naming a Matai Successor

Wanna see something even MORE complicated? Watch an extended family try to decide whose turn it is to carry their own governing titles. For example, let’s say your grandfather held the ali’i title and your father was his tulafale. Then, sadly, your grandfather passes away. Who’s going to carry that Ali’i title now?

Well let’s look at all the people who are entitled to put their names forward for that title – we call them ‘suli‘. Every single man (and these days, woman) who is connected by blood to your grandfather – and we’re talking second and third cousins even – is a suli.

Now it becomes a matter of campaign.

Your grandfather’s second cousin might want to be the next ali’i, so he’ll gather all the elders and matai of his family to put forward his name. Then what if your father thinks,

‘No. I want my son to carry the title mostly because his grandfather loved him best, and just a little bit so that we can keep control of all the family land’.

This triggers a series of highly charged, often tearful exchanges amongst the extended family – preferably in organized meetings – to decide who is more deserving of the Ali’i title, and I’m getting a little exhausted just thinking about all the possible drama.

We’d be here all week if I started telling you the stories I’ve heard.

But remember. Every individual is connected to at least 4 extended families. So you are potentially the suli to at least 4 different sets of titles in usually 4 different villages.

More Matai

In addition to main titles – the ali’i, tulafale and taupou – many families have lots of other matai titles. Where do they come from? Well, history mostly.

Say for example a family’s ali’i title is ‘Superman’. Superman’s great grandfather may have married into the family and brought with him the title ‘Batman’ from another village.

Batman is also an ali’i title, but because it didn’t originate in Superman’s family, generations later it is considered to be a lot lower in rank than the title Superman.

Batman will still be bestowed on someone in the Superman family, though, along with as many other titles they can prove their right to, of course, because the more titles a family has, the higher they rank against other families.


And I think I’ll leave my slightly cynical description of the Samoan matai system there. The only point I really wanted to make is that most people hear the word ‘chief’ and think ‘the boss’ or ‘royalty’.

It’s not quite like that in the Fa’asamoa.

While it is very honorable to become a matai, the role is based more on service than it is on prestige. It’s more about representing your family in village affairs than it is about ordering people around. It’s about fitting into a communal governance system rather than being ‘the boss’.

Despite its complexities and all the potential drama, in the right spirit of love and nurture, our complicated matai system really is a beautiful thing.


This article was first posted in 2010 on our previous website, One Samoana. The information doesn’t get old, though, so please don’t think it’s too late to leave a comment if you have any questions. 


Most of the information I share in this post comes from conversations with the elders in my family and an interview I did with the late Tofaeono Tanuvasa Tavale back in 2010.

Tofaeono’s books are great resources for anyone who wants to learn more about Samoa’s fa’amatai:

 O le ala i le pule o le tautua (1999), by Tofaeono Tanuvasa Tavale

Fuelavelave (1999), by Tofaeono Tanuvasa Tavale

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Delilah Mulipola
14 years ago

that’s a strong view, an important ‘one’ non the less ‘n’ yiiha; – a well read I guess. 🙂

siaosi ale
siaosi ale
14 years ago

well you have cleared up a question or 2 of mine concerning matai and titles, i think. thank you for your spin on it, short but mmmm?

chris schaumkel
chris schaumkel
13 years ago

wow, I’ve always been interested in this, I knew my dad was a matai but wasn’t sure what kind. Now I know why he doesn’t do much of the talking at our family stuff cos he’s an Ali’i. Thanks heaps for this editorial

Reply to  chris schaumkel
7 years ago

I think your dad didn’t do much talking at your family stuff it was because he didn’t know

glotis misa
glotis misa
13 years ago

Very interesting editorial,, it has portrayed the picture why in reality we have so many family fa’amasinoga…:) Im not invovled but just saying and this is why???…mmmm it keeps me thinking!!!

Reply to  glotis misa
7 years ago

This is also why we have so many fights and wars… everyone wants to be Malietoa.. lol

Robert Watanabe
Robert Watanabe
13 years ago


Please translate a Matai Title : Tagaloatea………………..What is the translation for this Title ??

Faafetai……bob Watanabe

Pete Paulo
Pete Paulo
12 years ago

great article malo lava

barah. sooalo
barah. sooalo
11 years ago

nice contibute ot the knowledge of those who are willing to now more about our matai system and to inherit a title in the Samoan way…malo lava le galue..appreciate the hard work…lol

Mrs Lose Taua Samasoni
Mrs Lose Taua Samasoni
11 years ago

Thank you for your article, the Samoan born children in class learn a lot from your article about the history of the Matai system in Samoa.

They have also learnt about the arrange marriage in the olden days and the forced marriaged but I have not find more information about the forced marriage in the olden days before the arrival of the European missionary.

11 years ago

hi, everyone my name is cindy l was looking for my family main root history. As l know my great grand name Sinalii Lolohea from Manono the son of Fatu Lei’ataua. But the Tu’i Tonga asked Fatu Lei’ataua to give him his son to be his body-guard. So the Tu’i Tonga went with Sinalii Lolohea to Tonga together with his two sisters. Anyway we grown up in Tonga but we still proud to be a Samoan .We still looking for the rest of our family and relatives in Samoa or any where in the world. Please dont be hesitate to contact me so if you know anything which relate to the above name l really want to meet with the rest of my family especially my Samoan site.

11 years ago

whoa i had absolutely no idea about any of that and i am a full-blood samoan. so sad

11 years ago

thank u for the infos it is very helpful for our nhd project..

11 years ago

oka.O.M.G I would like to say that I am true Samoan, liven gin this world with my two living Samoan parent…

Teine o le Vai
Teine o le Vai
9 years ago

Would love for you to go into depth about the Aiga Tupu … Maybe a pyramid system … There wasnt a mention of Ma’upu in your blog

8 years ago

Hey HGG…it’s me MetaL_Man from a long while back lol yes I’m happily married and have been for 3 years now to a beautiful gal that I met HERE at 1sa 😂😂😂 we have a 14 month old son now 😁😁😎🤘🏽 anyways…I just wanted to share my little story…and express my appreciation for a little better explanation of the Matai deal. I’m a suli of an Ali’i called La’ulu in Fa’ala, Palauli. And I’m having my nofo next year along with 5 other sulis of my grandfather’s..just seeking some info on how this thing works. Thanks again for the info! 😊😊

Reply to  Lilieni
4 years ago

This is awesome, thank you.

8 years ago

Talofa Lava my nane is Kima and was wondering if you could tell a backstory on how the valaau came about. The Valaau as in when you ask the high elders to come in for a feast.

8 years ago

Faafekai kele le faasoa, ua kau maua ai fo’i se malamalamaga I lea kulaga… malo Batman, ia manuia le na itu..

Brayden Allen
Brayden Allen
3 years ago

I have just one question for you, hamogeekgirl. If you would be so kind, can you enlighten me on if Luatutu Aupa`au Leiataua is the chiefly title for Manono or is it just Leiataua. This may sound like a stupid question but bear with me. I found the Luatutu Aupa`au part on a Wikipedia page so I have no idea if it is actually accurate. Which I require, because I am trying to bring a Samoan character to life for my novel and I was wanting her to be from Manono and to have a matai title. So any help on your end would mean the world.
