After all we’ve been through these past few weeks… it feels right that we should return to our One Samoana program with a prayer, a ea?

Let’s say it together:

Lo matou Tamā e o i le lagi, ia pa’ia lou suafa.
Ia o’o mai lou mālō. Ia faia lou finagalo i le lalolagi, e pei ona faia i le lagi. Ia e foa’i mai ia te’i matou i le aso nei a matou mea e ‘ai e tatau ma le aso; ia e fa’magalo ia te’i matou ia matou agasala e pei o i matou fo’i ona matou fa’amagaloina atu i e ua agaleaga mai ia te’i matou;
Aua fo’i e te ta’ita’iina i matou i le tofotofoga, a ia e lavea’i ia i matou ai le leaga. Auā e ou le mālō, ma le mana, atoa ma le vi’iga, e fa’avavau lava.

This article was first posted 11 June 2019 on our previous website, One Samoana. 

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5 years ago

Hi. I just happened on your website as I was looking for Samoan lyrics. Thanks for creating this site. Thanks for posting the Samoan prayer. I look forward to reading your thoughts and research about our people and culture. Our language has also been a favorite topic of mine. 🙂

5 years ago

This is a nice prayer

4 years ago

can you make a new prayer for the day including thanks forgiving and so on in samoan please