Alo i au faiva

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Alo i au faiva ia manuia aua e te loto vaivai pea oo mai faigata
lua te fa’atasi ma le Atua i so’o se ala e te uia
Lou atali’i ia e faalogo mai, i lau nei upu o le a fai.
Ia e nofo sauni, aua e te solomuli i lau faaiuga ua fai.
O le lalolagi nei, e tumu i mea masei e tele faaosoosoga e vaivai ai ou lagona.
Ia e loto tele, aua e te fefe, alu ma le fiafia lo’u atalii ia e manuia.

Alo ia au faiva ia e manuia
aua e te loto vaivai
pe a o’o mai faigata
Lua te faatasi ma le Atua
i so’o se ala e te uia
Lo’u afafine sei e fa’alogo mai
i le ma upu o le a fai
ne’i e manatu mama
i loimata o lou tina
ae folau i le vasa loaloa e faigata
O oe e malu ai i le aiga nei
Lo’u afafine sei alofa failelei, ta’ai ese laufala
tuu ese le aluga
fa’amalosi mai sei o’o i le taunuuga

O ou mama na. Lou uso alo i au faiva
Ia uluulu ma kafolau lou faamoemoe aua le kaua
Ia koa lou loko ma ia magakua o loo kui le muli papaga
A makua, gai aiga ae maise le alalafaga
Gofo kakalo, kapua’i faaloloa le ala aua lau savaliga gei kui so vae i le maa.
Lo’u uso faalogo lelei i le augagi a mum ma papa.
Faukuaga fai mo oe maguia le faigamala
Faalogo lelei ma magakua au ma amo ka makua, aua ke fefe loko kele o oe o le lupe lea faalele
kekee le fili kekee le pia kago e sapo le maguia
koaga i le loku, koaga i kakalo aua gei galo le kusi paia
oi sole aua ke kagi kepa kaulai i le Atua i le lagi
faamalosi o oe o le koa
kau le kaua mo Samoa
ia ua kele ga mau faukuaga
keu i lou loko ma lou agaga
ae sau ia ka faakofa
ia ku Ioeva i le ka va

Embark on your journey with success
Do not grow weary when challenges arise
Walk together with God in every path you take.
My son, listen to these words I share:
Be prepared, do not waver in the decisions you make.
This world is full of wickedness,
Many temptations will challenge your spirit.
Be strong, do not fear,
Go forth with joy, my son, and prosper.

Embark on your journey with success,
Do not grow weary.
When difficulties arise,
Walk together with God
In every path you take.
My daughter, listen closely
To the words we share:
Do not take lightly
The tears of your mother,
As you sail the vast and treacherous seas.
You are the refuge of this family,
My daughter, show compassion and kindness.
Set aside your comfort,
Let go of your pillow,
Persevere until you reach your destination.

Your parents’ guidance leads the way.
My sibling, take on your journey with courage.
Gather strength and steady your hope for the battle ahead.
Brace yourself with resilience, as though your foundation is built on stone.
When you grow, cherish your family and your village.
Plant your prayers, extend your path for the road is long.
Listen well to the wisdom of your elders.
Prepare yourself for this journey and may you prosper.
Stay vigilant and carry the burdens of your elders,
Do not fear, for you are like the flying bird soaring high.
Defeat the enemy, push away distractions, and seize the blessings.
Anchor yourself in prayer and worship,
Do not forget the sacred teachings.
Oh, my sibling, do not cry without purpose;
Lift your voice in praise to God above.
Stay strong, for you are a warrior,
Fighting the battles for Samoa.
Hold onto the abundant lessons,
Let them fill your mind and spirit.
Now come forth in humility,
Entrust everything to Jehovah who reigns supreme.

Stunning track from Lani Alo ft. Livingstone Efu with a beautiful message for young Samoans: work hard, stay strong, make good choices, take care of your family, stay close to God – it’s the wise, loving counsel from a father to his children.
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