(Performed, in this video, by Dennis Ah Yek.) ‘Taeao’ means morning, and at first this song seems to describe a typical morning, with birds chirping and the sun shining through the clouds. Listen more carefully and you’ll find this song is referring to a blessed morning, long ago, when the Good Word was brought to Samoa by our first Christian missionaries. Please see the comments below for more about this historical song.
Ua talanoa manu i le gagana o le taeao
ua ave o le la ua punitia foi i puao…
le sau malu faasusu i laula’au
sasala luga la’au matala ua ao
Tali: le tioa foi samoa fai ona taeao
le amataga o le aso faapopo o le olaga
le taeao nai mataniu feagaimaleata
le talalelei ua so’o ai nei samoa
Ne’i si’i paopao i le suamalie o le vineula
mafaufauga o le lupe luga o le moso’oi fuga
le lagafili ua puaina mai lona manogi
le aso muamua foaina i le samoa moni
Tali: le tioa foi samoa fai ona taeao
le amataga o le aso faapopo o le olaga
le taeao nai mataniu feagaimaleata
le talalelei ua so’o ai nei samoana
le sau o le taeao ua mou malie i mauga
le aso foi na valoia i mafaufauga
le viiga ua faafoi atu i le matai
ma lona soifua ua olioli ma faafetai
Tali: le tioa foi samoa fai ona taeao
le amataga o le aso faapopo o le olaga
le taeao nai mataniu feagaimaleata
le talalelei ua so’o ai nei samoana
Tali: le tioa foi samoa fai ona taeao
le amataga o le aso faapopo o le olaga
le taeao nai mataniu feagaimaleata
le talalei ua so’o ai nei samoana
from Dennis Ah Yek’s album Samoan Style, submitted by Maosi
The lyrics and music are by Toelafoa Maua Miller. The song was composed for the “Le Taeao” recording by the Tusitala Band that both Maua and Tenari were members of in the late 80s early. Maua played keyboard and sings the song on that original recording. The lyrics according to Maua are:
Talanoa manu i gagana ole taeao
Ave ole la ua punitia i puao
Sau malu e faa-su-su i lau la’au
Sasala le fuga-la’au matala ua ao
Lei-tioa Samoa fai ona taeao
Le amataga ole aso fa’a-opopo ole olaga
Le taeao na i Mataniu feagai ma le Ata
Le talalelei ua so’o ai Samoana
2nd verse
Iniseti taufao le sua-malie ole vine u-la
Ma –fau-fauga ole lupe i luga ole moso’oi pu-la
Laga-ali ua pua-ina mai lo-na ma-no-gi
Le aso fou ua foa-ina ile Samoa moni
3rd verse
sau ole taeao ua mou malie i ma-u-ga
le aso fou na va –lo- ia i ma-fau-fau-ga
le vi’iga ua fa’a- fo’i atu ile Matai
le tagata soifua ua oli-oli ma faafetai
Maua is in the process of completing an article on the background and meaning of the song for publication in an academic journal. It should be published in 2009.
I am interested in Maua’s article on the background
of this beautiful song. One of the best Samoan songs,
both in lyrics and in melody.
Much oblige.
I remembered when this song was recorded by the Tusitala Band the members were Maua Miller, Oliva Va’ai, Tenari I think it was in 1987….the album was sponsored by Misa Telefoni Retzlaff in memory of his mother Piliopo Retzlaff.
#1 Song !
I was at Mt Vaea night club 1989?& remember hearing Mt Vaea band when Hemi & Brother Pene playing this song with lead vocalist Lafaele singing the song – at the time Cindy was also part of the band) , this was a great version & first time I heard the song & loved it!great song, lyrics
This song always reminds me of Samoa & tells deep poetical story, history of Samoa with Christianity, & our custom & values: giving thanks to life from beginning of day til evening etc not to mention the beauty of Samoa & our scented flowers -moso’oi
Thank you for the original song writer/ composer, Fa’afetai lava