La’u lupe

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Another Tiama’a classic remade often. “La’u lupe” (my pigeon/dove) is a powerful Samoan symbol of losing a loved one. This song expresses deep sadness, but says we should leave these things in the hands of God.
Pepese faanoanoa
lenei olaga atoa
oi la’u lupe sa tuu i ma ua leiloa
si a’u tama e to’atasi
pologa ai nei ma le tagi
se matuai leaga tele lenei foma’i
Ua o’o i o’u totoga
le faigata o le alofa
a’o e tagitagi mai i lou fia ola
se mea a leaga
le sulufa’i se mapusaga
ae tali mai le faanoanoa a lo’u agaga
Tali: Tu’u atu ia oe i le lagi i luga
i le malo o le punavai o le ola
maima’u le mafutaga
le oti ua alia tatala
tama ina ua le galo oe le agaga
Mo’omo’oga le taulau
ia faatasi e faavavau
a’o lenei ua ‘ela mai mai tuugamau
se amuia le la
le goto atu ma sau
a’o ita e ala mai pea le mafaufau
ailoga a e toe sau
i lo’u mafaufau
oi la’u lupe
amuia outou fanau
Ou fiafia i le sa’olotoga
ae leiloa mai le pologa
i si a’u lupe poo ai ualia faasola
Tali: Tu’u atu ia oe i le lagi i luga
i le malo o le punavai o le ola
maima’u le mafutaga
le oti ualia tatala
tama ina ua le galo oe le agaga

from the album Tepa i le Amataga, submitted by Maosi

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Mr._.Hori Koli (Dx4687)
Mr._.Hori Koli (Dx4687)
02/03/2016 9:47 PM

HAHA. This is my vid😂😂

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