Faigata se manatu

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That feeling when it could have been you, but you missed the opportunity…
Ua faigata, o sou manatu
ua misi le va’a muamua ua alu
mafaufauga nei ua tino mai
leai se mea e mafai
Sasa’a maia sou alofa
Se upu malu mai lou fofoga
e magalo ai nei faigata
ma nei mea ua o’ona
le lalelei nai ou foliga
se mama auro i lou lima
pele tali mai mo ita
ae lei faataunuuina
le mafutaga ma oe le uo
pe ana tutusa ma lou aiga
ua pologa ai ma faigata
e le manana’o ia ita
o upu na fai le po mulimuli
mana’o i le alofa i se taimi umi
fesili atu ia i ta fanau
ua oa ma faauli
o lo’u alofa ua faamutaina
mai ou matua ma lou aiga
pei ai ona o lau afioga
ma pele ma lo’u mativa
E le alofa…
E pologa…
E faasese mai pea…
ua ou iloa…
Na ou tagi…
Maligi loimata…
te le vaai mai ea, ua lagona alofa…
te le vaai mai ea, ua lagona alofa…
from the album Vol II, submitted by Maosi

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16/08/2009 11:44 AM

2nd para

Sasa’a maia sou alofa
Se upu malu mai lou fofoga

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!