(Jerome Grey version)
Pei o auma e le fiu i fafati
O’u nei mata e le fiu i va’ai
Aue le alofa ua tauaso i le maasiasi
Ua ou le tiu fa’amatala’oa
Talu le alofa ua atoatoa
Pele ea ne’i galo ita i sau fa’asoa
E tu manu ae lili’a
I le feagaiga ua osia
Ne’i nimo vave pei o se miti po’o se li’a
Lo’u alofa sa fa’alilo
Fa’anaunau atu ia oe
La’u lupe ua gata ai lo’u fa’amoemoe
Ua pei o se ie e folasia i malae
Le malosi e o lou mana’o
Ua vilivili fa’amanu ma i luga o puao
Se’ia tu o le fetuao
Ma tausani mai manu o le vaveao
Ne’i li’aina upu pe a ta vavamamao
i love this song
what is the english translation?
nice song
does anyone know a site that explains any history behind old Samoan songs like this one?
I know it’s been a long time, but I used the translation app on my phone to translate the song. I doesn’t really make sense…
It’s like tired and tired
My eyes do not give up on the eyes
How sad is the blind to the shame
I am not alone
Love is perfect
Be careful not to forget about your stock
There are birds flying
In the covenant it is made
Get it sooner than a dream or a lizard
My love was hidden
Describe yourself
My chicken ends my hope
It is like a cloth that is presented in the field
The strength is your will
It rains and springs on the fog
Until morning
And thousands of birds of the morning
Reverse words when we are distracted
Lol… I’ll post up full translations soon, but here’s a clue for you:
Auma = waves (like on the ocean)
fafati = how the waves break, you know.. when they crest with that white foam at the top?
fiu = tired of…
le = not (negation)
So… pei o auma e le fiu e fafati = like the waves that never get tired of breaking
ou nei mata e le fiu e va’ai = my eyes are never tired of looking (at you…? lol)
Here’s another clue: this song is very sexy, actually.
Talofa Letupu Matautia, very much appreciate it if you can share whom wrote Pei O Auma..it is sure a beautiful song with deep and meaningful lyrics. I feel I’m doing a disservice by not acknowledging the true composer. Many Thanks