Galoiola Le Feagaiga

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This Punialava’a classic uses Biblical imagery to describe the kind of love a marriage should have.
Ua iso le taulaumea ma loi fofoga
Ae fotu le taututupu o moomooga
E faagalo ai masei ai ma fa’amagaloga
La’u pele fai mai sau tali i lo’u fanoga *2
Afai e lilo ala o gata i luga o le papa
O aeto i le lagi ma va’a i luga o vasa
Fa’apega` le ala o tane i le tausala
E tumau pe a ou malu le ufimata*2
Aumaia le alofa e fai ma fusi i feagaiga osi
Pei ona fai mai ai o Ruta ia Naomi
E fai lou nu’u ma lou Atua ma ou tofi
E le tete’a taua vagana le oti *2
Lou ali’i tumau lou la i Kipeona
Fa’apea foi le masiga i le vanu o Ailona
Ta le pola e maua mai se saolotoga
La’u pele le ta feagaiga nei galo i ola*2

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Ria Savavau
Ria Savavau
26/10/2014 4:14 PM

e iai ni isi pese ale punialavaa e faatatau i faamavaega faamolemole///??? ese le mataina male faamomoi loto o upu o nei fatuga. malo lava

Tala Suafai
Tala Suafai
26/11/2008 5:44 PM

Title: Galoiola le feagaiga, from Punialvaa Feagaiga album/casette/CD.

23/01/2016 3:21 PM

I would appreciated if someone could put this beautiful song on the internet.

Matalaoa Fonoti
Matalaoa Fonoti
06/12/2008 8:46 AM

yup . ou ke iloaiga o le favourite lea a o’u makua ! its also one of my many personal favourites ! keep up the good work !

Matalaoa . Fonoti

major fan
major fan
30/06/2009 11:06 AM

grew up with these songs – one of my personal favourites too!!

27/04/2010 6:59 PM

Can you please post the lyrics for “Mo’omo’oga mo matua oti” (Punialava’a). I’ve searched the net but unable to find the lyrics for this beautiful song.

Fa’afetai lava

10/06/2011 1:51 PM

Where can i buy a cd for that song Galoiola?

18/08/2011 8:31 AM

ia 4fetai ia jong su mo le pese 4pea a au ia e leiloa e jong su 4samoa
fefe i le ola manaonao……:)

12/04/2012 10:00 PM

faamolmole a pe mafai ona faamatala mai le uiga ma mafuaga o le tatau male uiga sa o mo tagata samoa. faamolemole.

19/03/2013 12:54 PM

There was a newer song made with the same chorus. Does anyone know the singer(s) of said song?

Erolini Risati
Erolini Risati
29/01/2014 6:10 AM

I like the original , but I can’t find it on YouTube.

04/06/2014 10:18 AM

Does anyone know if this is available online somewhere? Tried to find it on youtube but no luck 🙁

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!