Nofo pologa

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Fai o aso loulou a
Oso foi le la
A’o ita mai le mauga
E faigofie, e faigata
Le alofa i le paaga
Atumua tele motu
Faasolo mai aso
O le olaga
Vaaia lou lalelei
Tele tama fia avea
oe fai ma ou sei
E le tau ai lau vaai
Tau na fai sa’o mai
E alu aso
Tei ane ua fulitua mai
Te le mana’o e te nofo pologa
Ua iai se tasi ua e alofa iai
Aua le fefe faimai sou manatu
Ua e fulitua mai ia a’u
E tuuina atu oe e alu
Le taunuuga lea o ou manaoga
Pule pea oe i lou saolotoga
Ua e iloa lo’u nei mafatia
I se ua fai oe my dear
O le loto faitalia
Mea manogi
Ata mai
e le fou i la’u vaai
A’o le aso
E mou atu toe o’o mai
E puna mai pea
O vai manino
Le alofa na fai fa’asili
Moli atu ou fofoga
nai a’u miti
Ae ui I lea
Ou te onosai
Le vai na tali i lagi
Alo I ou faiva
Ou te nofo ma tapuai
Le lalolagi e matalasi
Suia ai o upu ma tali
A’o le faiva
To’ilalo, maasiasi

submitted by Taliilagi Iereneo

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28/08/2020 1:59 AM

Still love this song *sigh* lol.

08/07/2023 8:42 PM

Please remove your lyrics is absolutely incorrect

James Taulau
James Taulau
03/07/2024 10:25 PM

what is the song about ?

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!