Aue Ita e ua Moe Te’ite’i

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‘Keli’ and ‘kapani’ are old terms of endearment (like ‘sweetheart’ or ‘darling’). Thoughts of his beloved are keeping this poet awake all night.
Aue ita e ua moe te’ite’i
talu le manatu ia oe la’u keli
leitioa ona tautala Solomona
e le mafai e vai e tele na tineia le alofa
Le uila e ua emo tutasi
Manatua na o si o’u kapani
Manu o le taeao ua ua tausani
Ua oso o le la sulugia le lalolagi
Sau ia oe la’u pele tofa
Aua lava nei fa’agaloina
I mea uma lava sa ta faia
Talu ai lava o lenei masaniga
Tumau lou faamaoni
Na’o oe mo a’u se’i oo i le oti
O lo’u alofa, o lo’u alofa
Oi aue, si o ta fatu ua momomo
pe a va’ai atu i le la ua goto
A e a’u lava nofo i se atu mauga
ma faasolo ai o ta mafaufauga
Ma tau su’esu’e malie o se ala
e mafai ai ona matalatala
se tasi ua pele i lo’u agaga
Ua atoa nei le sefulu tausaga
Sau ia oe la’u pele tofa
Aua lava ne’i fa’agaloina
I mea uma lava sa ta faia
Talu ai lava o lenei masaniga
Tumau lou faamaoni
Na’o oe mo a’u se’i oo i le oti
O lo’u alofa, o lo’u alofa
O le afiafi o le a manu a’e
pe ni ato maketi o le a faia’e
Pe alu e tafao pe nofo i le fale
Tau lava ina fa’agalogalo a’e
Sau la’ia la’u pele sili e
Lau ula fala ma o ou sei e
O oe o la’u pele le …
Tofa soifua o le a o’u fo’i e
Sau ia oe la’u pele tofa
Aua lava nei fa’agaloina
I mea uma lava sa ta faia
Talu ai lava o lenei masaniga
Tumau lou faamaoni
Na’o oe mo a’u se’i oo i le oti
O lo’u alofa, o lo’u alofa

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20/12/2011 3:01 PM

what is the translation for this song?

28/09/2015 5:34 PM

It would nice to see translations for all Penina O Tiafau songs please 🙂 I love the little side note of how keli and kapani were old terms of endearment. you dont hear that nowadays. More of those cool side notes please 🙂

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!