English translation & discussion: O oe o la’u uo moni
You are my true friend…pray that we are always together in this life. Spawnbreezie features in this video, but the lyrics below are from the original Five Stars version.
O oe o la’u uo moni
E le galo oe i le agaga
Fia fa’atasi pea
ma oe i lenei olaga
E manatua ai oe
i ou foliga ata’ata
laumata fiafia,
amio tausa’afia
O la ta mafutaga
ua ou le iloaina lava
le mafua’aga
ala ai o lenei mala
Se mea a faigata
o lo’u nei fiafia
ai ui ina liua
pe o le vai o Sina
Fa’ali maia funa o sou manatu
Pe e te alofa moni ia te a’u
E faigofie ona fa’apu’upu’u
pe afai ua e musu
Fetu e o lagi,
figota o le sami
se’i ta’umaia se tasi,
po’o fea ea la’u honey
O oe o la’u pele ea
o la’u manamea e toatasi
Lenei ua mou atu
pe aunoa ma Satani
Sau ia oe la’u Dear
O ea sa ou filifilia
e moni ai le upu tusia:
Pupula le gata ae fasia
E ui ina ou lagona
lagona ina le mafatia
a e tu’u pea ia
ia fuga lou faitalia
Fa’ali maia fuga o sou manatu
pe e te alofa moni ia te a’u
E faigofie ona fa’apu’upu’u
pe afai ua e musu
Tofa soifua la’u pele lo’u au
Mo’omo’oga ua le tau lau
Ua motusia talu le tuinanau
fia fa’atasi e fa’avavau
can someone please translate this song
This is a good song and remiinds me of my nana also me and my sisters have performed this song to a samoan dance before
Malo lava-there are some typos in the spelling of the words eg. lau matafiafia,
=laumata fiafia -/O lata mafutaga=la ta (2 words)/ua lai o lenei mala=ala ai-sorry am in a hurry otherwise I’ll comment more
An awesome song that I would like my kapa haka group to perform to celebrate one of my students culture
wow liyah..angus much?
I forgot to ask, what is its meaning?
i love this song because it reminds me of my girlfriend
This is the best song!! 🙂 mean beat!! chur
i love this song as i am half samoan as i know all words this song remind me of my dad i dont know why but he has recently passed away and he taught me this song and others this song is so amazing 🙂 <3
this is a really kool song…!
it reminds me of my really best mate in samoa
miss u guys never 4get use’s….!
It is a nice song but it’s really hard to learn
hey hey dis song is a really sweet song…. it reminds meeh of all the gud tym ive had wif meeh family in Samoa… 🙂 🙂
Does anyone know the guitar chords to this song so I can play it
i luv dis song
this is like mah favourite song bfore…but i like it.. 🙂
I love this song but i was wondering if anybody has an english translation of it 🙂
talofa from samoa
My cousin always sings this & plays it on the guitar. Just downloaded it on my phone & currently listening to it 🙂
English translation????
Trying to find proof somewhere if anyone knows who actually wrote the lyrics? I have someone in mind, but if any one of the generation from the original knows please share who wrote the lyrics. Thank you, fa’afetai lava.
is this a love song, would love to know english translation best polynesian song i’ve ever heard love it love it…..Any1 have guitar chords so my son could play this