Malie Tanifa

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Malie, tanifa
Malie tanifa tautala futi i tua i pa
A i ai o se tautai ua na iloa se i’a fe’ai
Mua o
(alternate version:
Malie, tanifa
Malie tanifa soso atu tua i pa
A i ai se tautai ua na iloa se mea fe’ai
Mua o
Ua vavala mai, vavala mai ou foliga
Pei ua ou tepa i le fetu ma le masina
Ua latou fepulafi mai i le vanimonimo o le lagi
A’o ou nofonofo to’atasi ma ou fa’anoa ma le tagi
Pei o se fale teu i fugala’au
Ua fa’atumauina i lo’u nei mafaufau
Ua puaina le manogi o le sau a nei a le taulau
Tele fili o lo’o ua salalau, tau lepetia la’u fanau

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da real lyrics are
da real lyrics are
12/01/2011 12:39 AM

the real words are

malie tagi fa

malie tagi fa

malie tagi fa

soso atu i tua ole pa a iai se tautai ua na iloa

le malie fe’ai mua o

Letupu Matautia
Letupu Matautia
08/11/2019 1:02 AM

Malie, Tanifa
Tauselefuti i tuapa
A iai o se tautai ua na noa le mea fe’ai

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!