Nofo i Salafai Lou Motu

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(Penina o Ti’afau version)
Nofo i Salafai lo’u motu
Tepa i le Tuasivi o Upolu
Pei ou te iloa atu
e lo’u la’au lea o le nonu
A e o le la’au e suamalie
pei o le suka mai Sili e
O lo’o tupu ane i Apia
i talane o le falema’i e
Se my Darling, tofa oe
Tini i le oti e le galo e
E le galo lau amio fa’afiu loto e
Ou te manatua lau masanai
E tele i le fa’amatagitagi
Tofa oe, Dear, la’u pele e to’atasi
A e ta’alo ane i se kirikiti
Pei oe o se moamoa Fiti
i lau mulumu mo’emo’e
ma si au fa’ate’a ta’avili
A e siva mai i se uosi
pei o se moa vili tositosi
malu vaivai, e pei o nei uaea o se telefoni
{ TALI }
Ou te ofo fa’amaga i luga
i lou auvae ma’i mama
Pe le e i ai se fe’au
i si a’u nei pa’aga
Avatu ia lau mea’ai
ma se’i e malolo ai
ma mapu i fanua
a e soia e te fetalai
{ TALI }
Fesaua’i fa’agatama
Tala ua puaina i le ala
Fai mai ua solomua i le teine
e le mana’o i le tama
A e ui i lea, ou te le kea
Pau lava o lo’o ua e tafea
Ua mate le siaki
sa fa’alavelave i le manamea
{ TALA }
This song appears on the Penina o Tiafau album, Music of Samoa, Volume 1. Check it out on Amazon.

Please check back for an English translation.
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16/12/2011 10:35 PM

LOVE IT! Love this website 🙂 Thanks!

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!