Le fugala’au le na

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That flower represents my love for you…yet you love another…a love forlorn 🙁
Verse 1.
Mavae le faamoemoe
Sa ou faalupe fuga mo oe
Se ana e le ta’u mai iai
Se tasi ua sili la’u vaai
Tali e faanoanoa ai
Le fugalaau le na
O lo’u alofa le na
Sa ou tau momoliaina
O oe mo ita
Verse 2.
Ua goto le la
Pe a toe sau o aso pogisa
Pe a ou toe manatu ia te oe
Le fatu sa toto i lo’u loto e
Lau pele fia fusi mau oe
Le fugalaau le na
O lo’u alofa le na
Sa ou tau momoli ina
O oe mo ita
Verse 3
E ta’u le masalina
Ua ou lagona le faaluma ina
Le alofa sa ou faia ua e lafoaina
Sili ai o si manu e tasi sa i lou lima tofa faasoifuaina
Chorus x2
Submitted by Nessa

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05/03/2012 12:13 PM

this song remind me of my dad, rest in peace dad, this song remind me of you, everytime i hear this song tear in my eyes rolling down my face, now im reading it my teary again, :'(
i know ur in a better place but i know ur memories live in me,

18/05/2012 2:19 PM

verse 3.. – le taua masaniga… instead of  e ta’u le masalina 

10/10/2016 4:34 PM

hi that are nice song for jesus to sing in the church
hi my name is grace who sing the song for church and I love you as
I will prayers fro our family.

God will give you more blessing but the song remind me of my mum that pass away

11/10/2016 1:40 PM

hi it me against I will listening into our song for Jesus Christ.]God bless fily
Oruro Family.in one Christ

02/10/2017 4:32 PM

Verse 1.
Mavae le faamoemoe
Sa ou faalupe suga mo oe
Se a na e le ta’u mai ai
Se tasi ua sili i lau va’ai
Tagi e faanoanoa ai

Le fugalaau lena
O lo’u alofa lena
Sa ou tau momoliaina
O oe mo ita

Verse 2.
Ua goto le la
Pei a toe sau o aso pogisa
Pe a ou toe manatu ia te oe
Le fatu sa toto i lo’u loto e
La’u pele fia fusi mau oe

Le fugalaau le na
O lo’u alofa le na
Sa ou tau momoli ina
O oe mo ita

Verse 3
Le ta’ua masaniga
Ua ou lagona le faaluma ina
Le alofa sa ou faia ua e lafoaina
Sili ai o si manu e tasi sa i lo’u lima tofa faasoifuaina

Hope has faded
I have cherished girl for you
Why didn’t you let me know
Someone else found favor in your eyes
O tears of heaviness

There’s, the bouquet of flowers
Therein are all my love
Trying to deliver you
You for me

The sun has set
Appears the days of darkness would come
When I think of you again
The seed that was planted in my heart
O darling wished to hold you tight.

There’s, the bouquet of flowers
Therein are all my love
Trying to deliver you
You for me

In our romance
I have felt the humiliation
The love that I’ve cherished you rejected
Better the single bird I’d in my hand
I bid you fare ye well

There’s, the bouquet of flowers
Therein are all my love
Trying to deliver you
You for me

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!