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Song of a lost love
Ua motusia
Ua motu ina
ai o’u nei fiafia
Ina o le sa pele
i le loto
Ua mou malie atu i la’u mana(tu)
O’u nei alofa e fia ta’u atu
ae paga ua e le lagona mai ai
Se mea a faigata
se mafutaga
a toe motusia
Moe ia oe
Ae tali o’u tiga
Ae ola pea ita
e tali le puapuaga
Avea ia oe e fai ma o’u ta’iala
Avea ia oe e fai ma o’u ta’iala
Agi lue o le lagi
i’a e o le sami
Se’i tou ta’u mai sau tali
Pe moni ea
e te toe fetaui
i le pua pele i le lagi
O o’u mafaufauga
e fa’asolosolo
i au amio fai so’o
Ia manuia lau malaga
ae ou te manatua pea oe
atu i a’u tausaga
Moe ia oe
Ae tali o’u tiga
Ae ola pea ita
e tali nei puapuaga
Avea ia oe e fai ma o’u ta’iala
Avea ia oe e fai ma o’u ta’iala
Moe ia oe
Ae tali o’u tiga
Ae ola pea ita
e tali nei puapuaga
Avea ia oe e fai ma o’u ta’iala
Avea ia oe e fai ma o’u ta’iala

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16/10/2013 7:22 AM

Can someone translate to English please?

29/10/2016 3:18 PM


14/12/2024 2:13 AM

correction : – ua mou malie atu i la’u Vaai not manatu please. well done good work. thanks

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!