Mama Lo’u Tina

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The Katinas’ heartfelt tribute to their beautiful mother, gone too soon. If we are faithful, they say, through God we will be together again.
O le olaga pu’upu’u ma sa’asa’afie,
Le mafutaga matagofie ua na’o se ata
Ae ui i lea ou te mautinoa
Ou te toe vaai ia oe mama
I le aso e toe afio mai ai le Atali’i ole tagata
La’u pele ea, mama lo’u tina
E le galo ou foliga, ou foliga
E manatua pea au upu la’u fanau
E tautuana le galuega a le Atua
E iai le aso ua saunia e le Atua
Tatou te toe fa’atasi ai
Pe afai lava tou te le fa’avaivai
Mama ea ou mo’omo’oga ma lou naunau
O lou tatalo ia fa’againa pea o lau fanau
O lou tulivae ma lau alaga tagi pea i aso uma lava
Mama o lenei ua tali mai le Atua i ou loimata
(back to chorus)
(Chant: Mama, o lo’u tina)
Aperila, le aso e luasefulu male tasi
Na vala’au mai ai oe e le tupu ole lagi(tupu ole lagi)
Se mea lava ina a faigata, mama e pei ua e sola(ua e sola)
Ae ui i lea ia faia pea le finagalo ole Atua
(back to chorus)
Daddy ea lou matou tama e ia e onosa’i
I puapuaga ole galuega ia e faamalosi( e fa’amalosi)
Auauna pea male fa’amaoni
Se’ia o’o lava ile oti(o’o ile oti)
Tatou te toe fa’atasi ma mama ile nu’u moni
(back to chorus)

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Terry Torsky
Terry Torsky
02/05/2020 4:36 PM

Would love an English translation!

Ray Depatti
Ray Depatti
21/11/2022 11:48 PM

Life is short and sweet,
The beautiful relationship is just a picture
But I’m not sure
I’ll see you again mama
On the day the son of man comes again
My dear, my mother is innocent
I will not forget your face, your face
I will always remember your words my children
To serve God’s work
There is a day that God has prepared
We will be together again
As long as you don’t give up
Clean your heart and your desire
My prayer is that your children will continue to work
Your knee and your crying cry every day
Mama, now God has answered your tears
(back to chorus)
(Chant: Mama, my mother)
April, the twenty first day
The king of heaven called you (king of heaven)
Something when it’s hard, just like you’re running away (you’re running away)
However, always do God’s will
(back to chorus)
Daddy, is our father patient?
In the hardships of this work, be strong (to be strong)
Serve faithfully
Till death (till death)
We will be reunited with mom in the real world
(back to chorus)

source: Google Translate

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!