My Pago Girl

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My Pago girl, my Pago girl
You  dwell in my heart
Ta  fia iloa sou alofa atoatoa
May I say, ta fa’atofā
Ona o lo’u popole i lou ‘āiga
Nei  ou tafea funa ia ‘oe
Ona  o seisi boy
Say I love you, I love you
My  teine Pago ea
E moe moe
Oe o la’u fatu
Ou te fa’amoemoe ia oe
Pe  e te alofa, pe e te taufa’ase’e
Le pona lea o le fetalai
Faimai o oe ne’i e mao ai
I sia mea ma tapua’a
E uliuli pei se malala
Amuia le tele o tama
E lalelei i le va’aiga o mata
Ae molimau le tasi upu
E otagia fo’i le tuu’u
E pala le ma’a, e lē pala le tala
E inosia ita le nei olaga
Pei se pologa o nofo sala
Le itagia ita e isi tama
Fa’alogo maia le lalolagi
Faimai Iesu ia fealofagi
A vilivili fa’amalu matagi
O lo’u alofa i la’u tapani
Say I love you, I love you
My teine Pago ea
E moe moe
Oe o la’u fatu
Ou te fa’amoemoe ia oe
Pe e te alofa pe e te taufa’ase’e

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26/09/2019 1:03 PM

“Pe e te alofa pe e te taufa’ase’e”.! So which is it, love or tease?..LOL

28/10/2019 10:16 AM

Geek have you ever consider running for a political office? I think you’ll be great at it..LOL

07/02/2023 9:20 PM

This song was written by my great grandpa Saipale Fesagaiga thank you

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