Stay With Me
Stay with me forever love Walk with me beside the sea Stay with me and talk to me forever love let me stay Stay with me till morning light Walk with me beside the sea stay with me and talk to me forever love let me stay I love my
Stay with me forever love Walk with me beside the sea Stay with me and talk to me forever love let me stay Stay with me till morning light Walk with me beside the sea stay with me and talk to me forever love let me stay I love my
Shaboom shaboom Shalalalalalalalalala Shaboom shaboom Shalalalalalalalalala Shaboom! Sau la’u teine Samoa se’i e tautino mai Pe e te alofa ea, pe leai Ina ne’i ou tauanau, funa e, i lou mafaufau a e le tauane ai ita se fa’atatau Aue, le alofa e ua so’ona faifua lava Ua uma ona
Mo’omo’oga mo oe i aso uma e le uma se’i o’o i le iuga e ui ina ta valavala maligi lemu ai ou loimata poo sa’u sala ua mafua ai lenei avega ua e tu’u mai saisai ita pei o se pologa tatala nei nonoa i sou alofa TALI amuia
V1 Sau ia la’u teine Samoa se’i e ta’u maia o lou igoa Pe e te talia ea pe afai e a’u ma au manamea TALI: Pe e te iloa teine e moni lo’u alofa pe e te talitonu e o nai ou mana’oga O leai ma seisi e fa’aluaina
Just because we come from the islands doesn’t mean we’re far away from home Where my people are free and feeling happy that’s the place we really want to be Just because we come from Samoa doesn’t mean we don’t rock and roll Come on down and join in the
He wishes their love was as sure as the sun and the moon, they set then rise again always. O a’u, o a’u ma oe Ua taunu’u le faamoemoe lau mama ua i lou lima le pine o e masaniga Taunu’u upu Solomona faigata o le alofa O a’u, o
She has left for overseas and his thoughts of her are as high as the moon?…lol.. Le masina e ua va’aia i luga o mauga Le tumutumu o e o nai ou mafaufauga O le a malaga i nu’u ese, a e le galo oe la’u pele Le alofa sa
Beautiful, classic song about a guy asking a girl to elope with him Faauli mai o mauga pei a faapua o ni timuga O loto le tutusa ua alai ona le maua se iuga O ai e le boy ua na opo ese ina Dear oe Mana’o i ai le
Thoughts of a time gone by when he use to bring her roses. E masani ona e aumaia rosa faaali mai ai e te alofa ao lenei ua motusia ua liua ai lou fiafia E lou lalelei sa avea oe fai mo’u sei le lumana’i poo fea? saili maia la’u
It’s a cool breezy evening and I’ve got you on my mind. Tears well in my eyes because I miss my beautiful one… Malu a’e le afiafi Mafaufau ia oe hani Maligiligi o’u loimata Ua ou misia o la’u Tausala Pe afai fuga ua e musu Se’i fai maia sau