Lyrics Category: Hymns

The Lord is my light

Doesn’t this jam just make you wanna go to church? Salamo e luasefulu ma le fitu O le fuaiupu muamua Ma le fuaiupu e sefulu ma le fa Psalms 27, verse 1 and verse 14 says: { CHORUS } The Lord is my light and my salvation Whom shall I

Lo Matou Tama

It’s the Lord’s Prayer in the Samoan language, set to a soothing, prayerful melody. (Five Stars Version) Lo matou Tama e, oi le lagi Ia pa’ia lou suafa ua lasi Ia o’o mai lou malo ma ia fa’ataunu’u lou finagalo O meaai ia e alofa fo’ai Fa’amagalo agasala ua faula’i