Lyrics Category: Jerome Grey

Lady Moana

A guy’s affair with a lady named Moana, sung in a kind of pigeon English 1. Well I remember long time ago in the island of Manono I gave one diamond mama to a lady named Moana Her hair black and curly, hanging down below her belly She’s astoundingly beautiful


Talala ta talalala Talala ta talalala Talalala Talalala Talalalalala Le itumalo, talofa Sa fa’apea mo’omo’oga E i’u si o’u ola mo lenei a’oaoga Ne’i e fa’apea ua o’u sola po’o ua i ai se poga mo sue i pologa E le fia maua se sa’olotoga Talala ta talalala Talala ta

We are Samoa

Jerome Grey beautifully expressing pride in Samoa.  Our Samoa, the greatest place of all She is green and blue lush with beauty And hearts are pure as gold Touch someone with tears of joy Touch someone with smiles of love Oh! What happy feelings From such happy people We are

Lou sei Oriana

Jerome Grey performs in this clip. The ‘oriana’ is a type of fragrant flower often worn as a hair ornament. This song talks about its beauty and how it’s a symbol of love. Lou sei Oriana se’i e sasala mai E te nofo mai mauga ma e fa’amaliuliu ai Tau