Lyrics Tag: alagaupu

La’u lupe Another Tiama’a classic remade often. “La’u lupe” (my pigeon/dove) is a powerful Samoan symbol of losing a loved one. This song expresses deep sadness, but says we should leave these things in the hands of God. Pepese faanoanoa lenei olaga atoa oi la’u lupe sa tuu i ma ua

O Oe O Le Toa

Composed as a tribute to Samoa’s rugby team, this is a song of encouragement and support for warriors heading out to battle. O oe na ou tauina e mai le tele o fugalaau le taofiaina ua tonu lo’u mafaufau O alo ma tama fanau ua sili ese lou naunau Tafetoto

Alu o le po atoa

This song is also sometimes known as “Afai ua e musu”… If you don’t want this, you need to say something. This poor guy is trying to find out just how committed she is… Ua alu o le po atoa le maua sa’u moe i lou manatu atu ia oe