Lyrics Tag: love song

Lady Moana

A guy’s affair with a lady named Moana, sung in a kind of pigeon English 1. Well I remember long time ago in the island of Manono I gave one diamond mama to a lady named Moana Her hair black and curly, hanging down below her belly She’s astoundingly beautiful

Pele Ea

Love song..a guy and girl expressing their love for each other Marina Davis: Pele ea, la’u manamea, lo’u alofa ua faavalea Le upu moni mai lo’u agaga, lo’u alofa tumau pea moe oe Fred Lemalu: Ua avea oe i lo’u loto, o oe pei o se la e oso Ua

Tuinanau ma le oa

Love song..a guy encouraging his pele(darling) not to put her desires and wealth (tuinanau ma le oa) before her love Pe a ou mafaaufau ile malosi ole tuinanau La’u pele ua le toe sau Tagi ai ole fatu ina ua lele ma alu ese Ole lupe sa faapelepele Chorus Tu

O’u Mafaufauga

In my thoughts every day is the desire to see and be with you, my beloved. Gorgeous old school sentiments of love from iconic Penina o Tiafau. O’u mafaufauga, e puna mai pea i aso uma Le fia va’ai, le fia fa’atasi ia oe suga La’u ma’asoama, oe la’u toekosi,

Ta Fia iloa

Girl asking a guy if he loves her or not Le afiafi a malu a’e Ua ou fa’asolo i vai fale Ua ta fia fa’alogo i si au male male O ita ua fesaea’i fa’avale O o’u vae ua au ina gagase Ua ta fiu e fa’apuna e te le

Loimata maligi

Love song: man’s sadness because the woman he loves no longer loves him   Loimata ua maligi ua ou leiloa po’o le a po’o sa’u agasala ea ua e fa’apena Le maua o se moe na o le manatu ia oe Ua uma ai lo’u nei fa’amoemoe Timuga ma le

Mo’omo’oga Mo Oe

Mo’omo’oga mo oe i aso uma e le uma se’i o’o i le iuga e ui ina ta valavala maligi lemu ai ou loimata poo sa’u sala ua mafua ai lenei avega ua e tu’u mai saisai ita pei o se pologa tatala nei nonoa i sou alofa TALI amuia

Le fugala’au le na

That flower represents my love for you…yet you love another…a love forlorn 🙁 Verse 1. Mavae le faamoemoe Sa ou faalupe fuga mo oe Se ana e le ta’u mai iai Se tasi ua sili la’u vaai Tali e faanoanoa ai Chorus. Le fugalaau le na O lo’u alofa le

I don’t wanna know

Saw you with your girl so don’t try to lie to me boy you got me twisted I don’t know what’s down this road But I gotta go Cause I’m outta love If you say you really love me Then why am I hurting I gotta let go of you

Samoan Lover

When I saw you walking down the street with that good looking smiley My heart start beating fast and asking myself where u coming Attention’s on you wish I was the first you can talk to Se suga, teine Se aumaia o sou manatu TALI: I promise I’ll do anything