The hardships of marriage Sa tonu lou loto au filifiliga o le a avea taua pe o se aiga a o lenei ua ese mai au faiga le finagalo o le atua e le o oe so’u tofiga se mea lava a faigata o le faiava e moe le pologa
The hardships of marriage Sa tonu lou loto au filifiliga o le a avea taua pe o se aiga a o lenei ua ese mai au faiga le finagalo o le atua e le o oe so’u tofiga se mea lava a faigata o le faiava e moe le pologa
She’s just broke the news to him – she’s leaving. He’s begging her to stay. Whatever the problem is, he wants to fix it… 1st VERSE Lou lalelei, suga nai ou mo’omo’oga Na’e tali mai o lou alofa e le uma Ae sa’o oe sa e nofo ma lou pologa
Na e Ioe ia te a’u anapo o lou alofa e le faagalo pele ea ita o le a fano lenei ua amata ai le uo Tali: mau lo’u loto i vaavaai atu ae ua faagalo mai a’u lalelei niu sila i la’u vaai tama samoa ua faagalo mai na
True love is not a fairy tale. It’s a difficult thing that takes a lifetime of work, so choose your partner carefully. Wise words. O le Alofa o se mea faigata ua e nofo ma e faauiga alofa o se tamaitai i se tama o le alofa o fanau i
Sosefina is the Samoan way of saying, “Josephine.” This poor guy is just not sure if Sosefina is really his or not. Is her love real? La’u filifiliga i le toe / mo le amataina O le ta mafutaga ina ia maua se uiga E le suamalie pe a faigofie
This poet is eloquently expressing fear that this love might be over. Sau ia oe taute lo’u au se’i fai sau tala O tumau pea ita i sou lagona i le mafutaga O ou foliga ma ou fofoga fiafia mata’ata’ata O lo’o tumau pea oe la’u rosa, la’u fua matala
This song is also sometimes known as “Afai ua e musu”… If you don’t want this, you need to say something. This poor guy is trying to find out just how committed she is… Ua alu o le po atoa le maua sa’u moe i lou manatu atu ia oe