Faliu Nei Le La / Ua Na o Oe

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Faliu le la i lona tau afiafi, le la o Samoa ua felanulanua’i
Uā felanua’i ona ave i le lagi, ioe, ta fia savalivali
Ua agi malu le tauafiafi, ina ua tuana’i atu o le la’i
Tau ane sou sei e te tiu ai, tafao ane ia ma feliuliua’i
I le solo a tama’ita’i
Sāvalivali ane i le laugatasi, sasala le manogi o ā latou ‘ula laga’ali
Manaia le fegasoloa’i, lafo ia latou ata i le sami
O maia tatou mua, iā Samoa ma si ona laufanūa
O maia tatou mua, iā Samoa ma si ona laufanūa, mua ō

O nanana O nanananana O nanana O nanananana…

E manatua pea, le taimi muamua na ou vaai ia oe la’u dear
Leai se fa’aluaina o’u mo’omo’oga lasi mo oe lea
O tigā ma faigata e tumau pea lo’u alofa
Okei kei, ou te le’o vaai i ou loimata
Uma ai o’u mafatiaga, ua na o oe baby
Sui ai o’u lagona, ua na o oe i lo’u fatu, lo’u fa’amoemoe
Tumau i lo’u nei loto e
E leai se tasi e sili, tumau pea oe la’u honey

Lou lālelei, ou te tiu ai i le vasa nei
Fai oe ma o’u sei, ua na o oe baby
Se’i fāi mai nei, ta’u mai mo ita o se tala lelei

Lou lālelei, ou te tiu ai i le vasa nei
Fai oe ma o’u sei, ua na o oe baby
Se’i fāi mai nei, ta’u mai mo ita o se tala lelei

O nanana O nanananana O nanana O nanananana….
O nanana O nanananana O nanana O nanananana….
O nanana O nanananana O nanana O nanananana….

The sun turns to its evening glow,
The Samoan sun, vibrant and colorful.
Its rays scatter across the sky,
Yes, we long to wander.

The evening breeze whispers softly,
Now that the day has passed.
Pick a fragrant flower to adorn yourself,
Take a stroll, embrace the scene,
With the dance of the maidens.

They walk gracefully on the smooth sand,
The scent of their garlands fills the air.
The joy of moving together,
They cast their laughter to the sea.

Come, let us lead the way,
To Samoa and its beautiful lands.
Come, let us lead the way,
To Samoa and its beautiful lands, let’s go.

O nanana, O nanananana…

I will always remember the first time I saw you, my dear.
My longing for you has no equal.
Despite pain and hardship, my love remains steadfast.

Okay, I don’t see your tears.
All my suffering ends because of you, baby.
You change my feelings; you’re the only one in my heart, my hope.
Forever in my soul.
No one is greater; you remain my honey.

Your beauty makes me dance in this ocean.
You are my fragrant flower, only you, baby.
Tell me now, share with me some good news.

Your beauty makes me dance in this ocean.
You are my fragrant flower, only you, baby.
Tell me now, share with me some good news.

O nanana, O nanananana…

Stay tuned for new Song Notes about this song.

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08/12/2008 11:36 PM

Hey HGG…you ever tried to trace the ‘travel’/geneaology of the polynesian people?

where they came from and where they ended up?

Did they give u a complete story/stories? @ the cultural summit?

be interested to hear the stories !!!!

09/12/2008 3:46 PM

AWSOME! i too love these kinda stories, so interesting. i have yet to go through the ‘big brown book’ in our cabinet which holds samoas history before/during and after the german settlers. i gotta translate it and do a few investigating on some of the pages lol apparently there are only 2 copies of this book..both are with dads family. so yehh..with your stories / findings it could help me out..*hi5* ha-ha

loved it and cant wait for more.

11/12/2008 7:41 AM

Heya G… far u could’ve told me? LOL I was looking for a reason to have a ROADTRIP before I shoot!!! gosh I luv the Polynesian History, I can never get sick of listening to the stories!!! My dad has the meanest ones from yonks ago!!!
Cant wait to hear more G!

11/12/2008 10:44 AM

Samoan history is hella deep, the origins of where we are from…wow (i have no idea, so i’ll be following along!)

thanks Chi!

12/12/2008 9:25 PM

nods at you.. hey Missy HGG

well you know sometimes our history may as well be an X Files coz, as you say, there’s so many variations.. I read with interest your journey 🙂 Nice e ee e … But on a slightly different vein, it reminded me, I don’t know why, offa book I bought at the Wesley Book Shop back in Sa way back inda days called ‘Tala O Le Vavau’ .. historical stuff bout Sa herself…

blessings to your house

Ia manuia



17/12/2008 4:08 PM

Haha.. okay apologies for my busy-ness (ok, and a little laziness), but this post was SOOO just a tiny little taste of everything I learned.. and have been learning.. about Samoan and Polynesian culture and history.

The problem is the more I learn, the more I realize that I don’t know.. the more curious I get.. the more information I try to cram into my brain.. the more difficult it is to categorize stuff at least enough to write about it, and then I get frustrated and never finish my posts.

But I shall persevere!! lol

Wish me luck 🙂

17/12/2008 6:52 PM


rock on Missy HGG…. i have four words for you:



19/12/2008 1:49 AM

ha-ha GOOD LUCK!! tho i soo know what you mean…its like..excitment!! and that thirst for more. lol…u can do it!!!

luv luv luv jc

05/11/2010 11:26 AM

that was great write more:)
good job:)
keep it up!!

13/03/2011 8:59 AM

Good information about where we originated from. However, I have a version of my own that will make people think I am crazy. Some may deem it as a “faagogo.” Which ever the case may be, I would like to post it some time in the near future as food for thought for everyone to chew on it.

Manuia lava

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!