Fiafiaga Motusia

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Happiness cut short because of a break up
Fiafiaga motusia
lagona le pagatia
Le mafutaga mafana
maligi ai loimata
O le a e sola atu
Tau pe ai lo’u fatu
E le masaniga i aso ua alu
I lo’u naunauta’i
ou te nofo fa’atali
O nai mo’omo’oga
ia umi lo ta ola
Talofa i la’u lili
Ne’i tau moto e se isi
Aua o loo lama tau’a e le fili
Sau loa la’u pele
ta fa’atofa
O upu o le feagaiga
ia manatua pea
Ia manuia le malaga
Ieova i lo ta va
Tofaina lau afioga
Tofaina lau afioga

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25/04/2011 10:35 AM

laina fa’asa’o, “Aua o loo lama tau’a e le fili”

25/04/2011 11:29 PM

Thank you John. Fixed now.

01/11/2012 1:33 PM

hahaha hi guz itz me i lyk da song itz ies greak and lovely:):)add me as a frnd on facebook owk:)laters guz<3<3<3

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