Lo’u Nei Tino

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This jilted lover silently pleads for his woman to love him.
(Young Lovers version)
Alu aso o le olaga
Faigata ua tiga
Ua le mafai lo’u tino
Ona tatali le alofa
Ou te tagi atu la’u pele
alofa mai ua ou lelava
Lo’u nei tino ua vaivai
Le manogi fo’i o se mea e ‘ai
La’u pele ‘ea ia alofa mai
Ala ai ona tagi atu
pele ‘ea i sou manatu
Te’i ita ua mao
mao atu o sou manatu
Pele ea o ita nei ua fia alu atu
Agi maia o se matagi
se’i momoli atu la’u tali
O oe ‘ea ma a’u
ua tatau na faatalitali
Ou te tatalo i le Atua
alofa mai mo ta’ua

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13/02/2009 9:46 AM

Fa’asa’o tatou upu fa’amolemole.

Alu aso o le olaga, Faigata ua tiga,
Ua le mafai e lo’u tino, ona tatali le alofa.
Ou te tagi atu la’u pele, alofa mai ua ‘ou le lava.

Lo’u nei tino ua vaivai, le manogi fo’i o se mea e ‘ai,
La’u pele ‘ea ia alofa mai.x2

Ala a’e i le tagi atu pele ‘ea i sou manatu,
Te’i ita ua mao, mao atu i so’u manatu.
Pele ‘ea o ita nei ua fia alu atu,


Agi maia o se matagi se’i momoli atu la’u tali,
O oe ‘ea ma a’u ua tatau ona fa’atalitali.
Ou te tatalo i le Atua, alofa mai mo ta’ua,


03/12/2019 9:21 PM

I love this website! It’s so good for a young, plastic Samoan girl so eager to learn more about her culture! Thank you so much for this website!! Xx

12/03/2020 10:44 AM

I speak little bit of samoan,but I can’t sing to the songs without the lyrics,So thank you so much! E sili lou faafetai mo le Lyrics!😁💕 Lots of love!

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!