Lou Tama e

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This song describes a joyful vision where God the Father appears before you, blessing you with His abundant love.
Ua vavala malie mai lo’u mafaufau
I uiga o nei mea uma e le tumau
Lo’u tama lou tula’i mai
Ua ou masani ai
Ua molimauina e la’u nei vaai
Liu lou to’asa i lou alofa
Le lalolagi ia latou maua le sa’olotoga
Lo’u tama e lo’u tula’i mai
Ua ou masani ai
Ua molimauina e la’u nei vaai
E le fa’agaloina oe
I lo’u nei fa’amoemoe
E pele oe i si o’u fatu
Fa’amagalo ia te a’u
Lo’u tama e lo’u tula’i mai
Ua ou masani ai
Ua fouaina, i galuega uma na e fai
Ua vavala malie mai lo’u mafaufau
I uiga o nei mea uma e le tumau
Lo’u tama lou tula’i mai
Ua ou masani ai
Ua molimau’ina e la’u nei vaai
Liu lou to’asa i lou alofa
Le lalolagi ia latou maua le sa’olotoga
Lo’u tama e lo’u tula’i mai
Ua ou masani ai
Ua molimauina e la’u nei vaai
E le fa’agaloina oe
I lo’u nei fa’amoemoe
E pele oe i si o’u fatu
Fa’amagalo ia te a’u
Lo’u tama e lo’u tula’i mai
Ua ou masani ai
Ua fouaina, i galuega uma na e fai
E le fa’agaloina oe
I lo’u nei fa’amoemoe
E pele oe i lo’u agaga
Fa’amagalo i so’u leaga
Lo’u tama e lo’u tula’i mai
Ua ou masani ai
Ua fouaina, i galuega uma na e fai

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21/10/2008 11:24 AM

suga fika mai le pese.

05/02/2009 8:20 AM

luv it!

08/11/2010 4:52 PM

wat iz diz song??????

08/11/2010 4:53 PM

any other cool songs!!!!!!!! =]=>

06/04/2011 8:23 AM

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew the artist that sings this song please? And where I might find a video of her singing it? Please and Thank you

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!