Moomooga (sa molia i talosaga)

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Mo’omo’oga sa molia i talosaga
sa nofonofo fa’atasi i lenei olaga
A o lenei ua vala’au ina oe
e Ieova o lo taua leoleo mamoe

Musu e fo’i atu ma le tagi
Manatua aiga o lo’o fa’atali
Ua vala’au ina e oe e le Tupu i le Lagi
O la’u penina o oe la’u pele tasi

Faimai Paulo, o le Kerisiano e fa’amaoni
Faatigaina puapuaga se’i oo i le oti
Nofo i tugamau o tatou tino e oli’oli
Fetaui i le Lagi o loo o i ai lou ta nu’u moni

Musu e fo’i atu ma le tagi
Manatua aiga o lo’o faatali
Ua vala’uina e oe e le Tupu i le Lagi
O la’u penina o oe la’u pele tasi

A’e ulufale i le nu’u tumau
ua e ai le manuia e sau tua selau
O i ai ma le ola fo’i e fa’avavau
fa’atali pea ia i lo’u Matai pe a vala’au mai

Musu e fo’i atu ma le tagi
Manatua aiga o lo’o fa’atali
Ua vala’auina e oe e le Tupu i le Lagi
O lo’u penina o oe la’u pele tasi

Deep yearning offered up in prayer
(We were) together in this life
But now you have been called
By Jehovah, the Shepherd (for both of us).

Reluctant and (also) with tears
Remember the family waiting
You have been summoned by the King of Heaven
My pearl, you are my one beloved.

Reluctant and (also) with tears
Remember the family waiting
You have been summoned by the King of Heaven
My pearl, you are my one beloved.

But enter the eternal village
You have attained blessings beyond measure
Where life and eternity reside
Awaiting my Master’s call.

Reluctant and (also) with tears
Remember the family waiting
You have been summoned by the King of Heaven
My pearl, you are my one beloved.

You’ll hear this beautiful lament at just about every Samoan funeral. It is a farewell to a loved one who’s gone home to rest with Ieova, our Lord.
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Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!