Musika Malie

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Musika Malie, aue, fefe, manaia ile siva e
Musika Malie, aue, fefe, se’e maia nai teine
Usu mai lau pese malie
Ae ataata mai ma’e sivasiva mai
Fa’ataupati ma osooso
Lima I luga ae aua le pao
Le soga’imiti fa’alolo
Aua la ete ita ae fa’aali lau pe’a
Pei ose tama mai Mexico
Fa’atafiti mai si toeina
Le lo’omatua fo’i ua ita
Ua le mafia lava o lona fia siva
Ile malie ole musika
Fai fa’alelei au teuga
Le musika ua lata ona uma
Aua la ete ita ae su’e sau paga
Luelue mai ile musika
Usu mai lau pese malie
Ae ataata mai ma’e sivasiva mai
Fa’ataupati ma osooso
Ae ataata mai ma’e sivasiva mai
Fa’ataupati ma osooso
Musika Malie

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Ivy Vine
Ivy Vine
05/10/2011 11:12 PM

MUsika malie man awesome song

02/05/2013 2:17 AM

Does anyone have a translation for this song?

09/11/2013 5:36 PM

Why ‘Mexico’?

Keith Montgomery
Keith Montgomery
04/02/2017 3:21 AM

Pei ose tama mai Mexico = “like a child of Mexico”

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!