Oso Ae Le La

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A beautifully poetic and pensive song about death, duty and rebirth.
Oso ae le la, ua ou fiafia
Manatua le oti ou te talia
O fugala’au ua teuteu ina
Saunia le valaau ia e taliaina
Ua leai se tuinanau
Matala le tuugamau
Lou tiute ia logomai
Ia ou sao atu ai
A fai ua e o’u le lagona
ta’u atu ai ua ou le alofa
Ua ou lagona ua tiga
Tago faatasi puapuaga
E le nao ita ua agasala
Pe e te so’ona moe ae le ala
Ua leai se tuinanau
Matala le tu’ugamau
Lou tiute ia logomai
ia ou sao atu ai
A fai ua e o’u le lagona
ta’u atu ai ua ou le alofa.
Ua leai se tuinanau
Matala le tuugamau
Lou tiute ia logomai
Ia ou sao atu ai
A fai ua e ou le lagona
tau atu ai ua ou le alofa.
This song appears on the album Samoa Matalasi by the Five Stars. Grab it on Amazon.

Please check back for an English translation.
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21/09/2009 10:45 AM

i luv diz song, remindz meh of maii nanaz funeral, coz we sang it…

18/02/2011 4:50 PM

luv tiz song, one of my fav samoa love song of al time, its was written n performed by tiamaa, but 5star version is as good as the original luv it.

24/08/2011 6:59 PM

love this song, rest easy to the kingston ‘fire victims. onelove xx

Tiama'a Fan
Tiama'a Fan
27/09/2011 3:36 PM

love this song.BUT ITS A TIAMAA ORIGINAL!!!

11/12/2011 5:11 AM

Can someone put the literal translation in English of this song on this website? I would appreciate it

16/12/2011 11:03 PM

This song is sooooo deep and meaningful, translating it would take so much out of it … I’ll try, though, to give u an idea of what it means …

Oso ae le la, ua ou fiafia
Manatua le oti ou te talia
O fugala’au ua teuteu ina
Saunia le valaau ia e taliaina

This talks about the sun rising, bringing joy… and keeping in mind that I have accepted the reality / inevitability of death… then it talks about flowers that adorn, and how we should be prepared to accept the call (of Heaven)…

Ua leai se tuinanau
Matala le tuugamau
Lou tiute ia logomai
Ia ou sao atu ai

… we have no further desires (or longing for something)… the grave opens, my duty is made known to me, may I pass through to (accomplish) it

A fai ua e o’u le lagona
ta’u atu ai ua ou le alofa

…if I dont hear (answer) the call / my duty … it shows that I have no love…

Ua ou lagona ua tiga
Tago faatasi puapuaga
E le nao ita ua agasala
Pe e te so’ona moe ae le ala

…i feel the pain together with my trials … it’s not only I who has sinnned… why do you sleep when you should wake up …

Something like that 🙂

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!