Po Lelei, Filemu (Silent Night)

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We’ve got several Samoan versions of Silent Night (same song, translated differently). Here are two of the most popular versions. 
Version 1 – From the hymn book of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
Po filemu, po pa‘ia. Filemu; susulu,
i le pepe pa‘ia nauā. Ma le taupou o lona tina.
Moe lelei iā oe. Moe lelei iā oe.
Po filemu, po pa‘ia. Leo mamoe, me‘ia;
O mamalu ua tō mai lugā. Agelu pese Aleluia!
Fanau mai le Fa‘aola. Fanau mai le Fa‘aola.
Po filemu, po pa‘ia. Alo o, le Atua;
Ua susulu ou fofoga. I le alofa togiola.
Iesū, I lou fanau mai. Iesū, i lou fanau mai.
Version 2 – from an older Presbytarian hymn book. (We’re still looking for an audio/video performance of this one. Please share in the comments if you have one.)
Po lelei, filemu
Ia tatou fa’amanu
Sa iloa ai le fetu
Mo Maria ma Iesu
Moe lelei ia Oe
Moe lelei ia Oe
Ia vi’ia le Ali’i
Ua fanau le Mesia
O leoleo sa ofo ai
I agelu sa pepese mai
Ua fanau le Ali’i
Ua fanau le Ali’i
Fa’afetai, fa’afetai
Ia Iesu e ola ai
Fai vi’iga ma faafetai
Ia Iesu na afio mai
Emanuelu lelei
Emanuelu lelei

Please check back for an English translation.
Please check back for interesting notes about this song.
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02/11/2017 7:46 PM

Is there a audio for this song please?

22/11/2024 5:47 AM

It’s very peaceful n sentimental brings
Back lots memories n thinking back home Xmas holidays. Families n friends
What’s Xmas is all about. God bless u all
Manuia le kerisimasi ma outou Uma lava. Soifua.

22/12/2024 12:09 AM

Thank you for putting up the lyrics it really helps!

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!