Po uliuligia

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The moon has darkened, like my soul has now that my love is gone…
E le masina, ua po uliuligia
Ua fa’apena lo’u loto, o lo ua mafatia
Talofa e i le alofa po’o fea o iai
Ai ua galo mai ita, tino ua vaivai
Moe ma manu i tofaga
Ae atia’i mala
O lape i la ta mafutaga
Ua puaina i le ala
Talofa e ai ita o se i’a pa’epa’e
Ua e le gagana mai ai
Po’o le a ea le pogai
O a lava ni o’u lelei
Avea e fai ma ou sei
E sei mau i lou taliga
E manatua ai ita
Ae tau ia ia manuia lou alofaiva
Ua na o le Atua soifua
E silafia i ta’ua

Submitted by Master o Samoa

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