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Sosefina is the Samoan way of saying, “Josephine.” This poor guy is just not sure if Sosefina is really his or not. Is her love real?
La’u filifiliga i le toe / mo le amataina
O le ta mafutaga ina ia maua se uiga
E le suamalie pe a faigofie
Pe a tutusa ta’ua i le loto malie
Nai / Ni ou masalosaloga e moni ea o lou alofa
O le afai a’u ma ou fa’apaologa
Sosefina ua lelei
Avea ia oe (fai) ma o’u sei
Te ufi malu ia oe ne’i fa’aoa lou lalelei
(Extra verse in Tiama’a version)
Leitioa Solomona le faigata o le alofa
O sa’u inu toe toe ae le mafai talu le ‘oona
Ita pei a valea ia oe le manamea
Ta’ilo i lou mafaufau i te’i ita ua tafea
(E nai) Ou manaoga ta fia faatalofa
ia oe le uo Sosefina o le ma’a tasi o lou ola
Pe a na iai sou mana na te aumaia lou agaga
E tumama ina ai le fia vaai i ou mata
This song appears on the album Samoa Matalasi by the Five Stars. Grab it on Amazon.

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