Su’ega o ta’ua

Share these lyrics:

E le mu lou ata
Lou va’ai ile la
Kagi mai lau loto
Le alofa e faigata
Kago mai i la’u lima
Lagona le mafanafana
E le emo gi fetu ile po
La’u fatu ia oe le uo
Opo le malulu i lau suesue
Malu o lo’u manatu ua pu’e
Va’ai ile lau ole losa, iloa
Mo oe oute mautinoa
Le kalia pesega o manulele
Fa’apea fo’i le filemu ole sami
Fa’akali atu mo oe i la’u atoa
Akili mo oe la’u alofa, ia e iloa

Submitted by Amo Faga

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