Tagata uma ua tutu

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This is about the pain of losing a loved one
Tagata uma ua tutu
O loimata ua le matu
Tagi aue, fa’a’upe tagi ma susu
Le itula o le toe va’ai
le pa’i atu ma lau fusi mai
Faatofa sogi tasi e malaga ese ai
O mafutaga nei e lelei
Le fiafia ua fai ma la’ei
O aiga e ola i le Talalelei
A i ai o aso e leaga
E tiga uma ai o agaga
Po’o ofu uma ai i fa’anoanoaga
Tagata uma ua tutu
O loimata ua le matu
Tagi aue, fa’a’upe tagi ma susu
Le itula o le toe va’ai
le pa’i atu ma lau fusi mai
Faatofa sogi tasi e malaga ese ai
O nisi lava e ata’ata
Pei lava e leai se mamafa
A o totonu pei a nonofo le manava
Fa’aloto pele i ni tagata
Mo tagi tu’i ma tautala
i le ua alu, e le toe faia masagasaga
Oi aue, ma e faigata
le alofa e le tiga
A o le onosa’i ia lava pe a
Ma talosaga ia le usu va
i aso uma e le aunoa
E feiloa’i ai i se aso o i luma
I tau afiafi uma lava
le taimi sili ai le leaga
e manatua ai uma lava lau aga
Lou faigata ma lou faiaso
Mea uma na o le a le galo
Le faigata ona fa’amalie lou finagalo
Tagata uma ua tutu
O loimata ua le matu
Tagi aue, fa’a’upe tagi ma susu
Le itula o le toe va’ai
le pa’i atu ma lau fusi mai
Faatofa sogi tasi e malaga ese ai
Faatofa sogi tasi e malaga ese ai

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25/03/2018 11:55 AM

This is a fantastic site, especially hearing the old Samoan parents use to listen to, now i know the lyrics & what the song is about, thank you so much to the mastermind who developed it and those who helped, it’s truly a blessing.

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!