Utulaelae Lo’u Nu’u Moni

Share these lyrics:

Utulaelae lo’u nu’u moni
Ou te pese ai ma ou olioli
E to’a filemu o si o’u nu’u
E mamalu pulega a matai
leai se tasi e fia ulavale ai
o le i’uga o oe le auala lava e te savali ai
Afio mai lau Afioga i le Aloali’i
Afio mai Tufugafale fa’apea fo’i Seugali’i
Le aiga Sa Alalatoa fa’apea alo Samala’ulu
Maliu mai le Faleono, le Faletolu mau mai lau nofo
E lima ekalesia o lo’o tapua’i a i le Tama
e lua o Metotisi, fa’apea le EFKS
Fa’apotopotoga a le Atua
E le mamao tele gauta
Ma le Light of Life, le malamalama o le ola
Pati la’ia ma po, mua ia mua o
Utulaelae lo’u nu’u pele oe i le loto
Faafesagai ane ai o le tai
Le Atua fa’amanuia mai i si o’u nu’u
O oe fo’i e te ta’ita’i ai
Afio mai lau Afioga i le Aloali’i
Afio mai Tufugafale fa’apea fo’i Seugali’i
Le aiga Sa Alalatoa fa’apea alo Samala’ulu
Maliu mai le Faleono, le Faletolu mau mai lau nofoThis video, below, has a slightly different Tali (Chorus). Thank you to Brody Iakopo for providing these lyrics.  Alternative Chorus:
Afio mai Muagututi’a o le Aloali’i
Susu mai Tufugafale, afio mai Seugali’i
Maliu mai oe le Faletolu ma le Lautinalaulelei
O ou pa’ia na, o Utulaelae e fai ma o’u sei

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25/12/2022 7:36 PM

I know a few of these words are wrong.

If you know Utulaelae’s fa’alupega, could you please help me out with the chorus?

Let me know if you spot any other errors.


Brody Iakopo
Brody Iakopo
09/01/2023 1:32 PM

There are some errors I’d like to correct…refer to the lyrics below:

Afio mai lau Afioga i le Aloali’i

Afio mai Tufugafale fa’apea fo’i Seugali’i

Le Aiga Sa Alalatoa fa’apea alo Samala’ulu

Maliu mai le Faleono, le Faletolu ma aumai lau nofo

That is all. Thank you for the awesome work! Love it.

06/03/2023 2:01 AM

I don’t see Sa Alalatoa being corrected. Also Le Faletolu mau mai lau nofo.

i le fuai’upu lona lua.
Ma le Light of Life.

Ma le fa’aaloalo la’ititi lava. LOL.

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song. Please help us to learn.  We are currently working through each of our 400+ songs to make as many corrections as we can. Please share any knowledge you have about this song in a comment. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post. Thank you!